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Thief Wiki

Hey readers! I gonna start out telling you about my first time seeing a thief game:

TDS cover

I woke up one Saturday morning oblivious to everything exept what I saw in my backyard, friends house, mother's kitchen, and a small stable (I lived in a rural area back then). While my dad was coming home I noticed something he was holding. I could not read so I did not know it was a Xbox. I went back outside wondering about that strange box. When I came back in my dad had the Xbox set up and he was playing on it. I ignored him and the Xbox for three months soon after those months I started watching my father play. I didn't understand what was going on until I watched him play for three weeks For about an hour a week. One morning after waking up and staring at the ceiling thinking "Hey, if dad can play then so can I. I have been watching him for a long time. I know how to play those games." so I got out of bed turned it on and the game that was in was (here it comes) TDS. I loaded my dad's game as I saw him do numerous times. I quickly lost the game. At the time I did not know this was bad. I followed this up by doing this every day, but after thirty minutes I would get up, turn the game off, and spend the rest of the day outside. This I did without being told. The picture is from the P.C. version which I have never played. TDS for Xbox is the only thief game I have played so don't ask.

Ian Alexander Jakubowski, spidey002, spiderluver0, or Ian.
