Important: The following screenshots are from the game Thief II: The Metal Age and are done using both Thief Enhancement Pack and NTEX high-res texture pack, so they may look somewhat different from the way your game appears.
Description: A Pagan poem about the Trickster
Location: in the house on the north-west end of the village
- Pagan Village
He am the Honeymaker and drinkers we them meads, He am the Jacksberry and eaters we them leafs, He am the Trickster, and the Woodsie Lord he bes.
Description: A message regarding the Pagans' harvest
Location: in the Barn
- Pagan Village
Planters we aft the spring moon is full, and water 'til it be at wane, Harvests we aft the fall moon shines there, and the winds crisp air cool us be.
Description: A message regarding the Pagans' sowed plants
Location: on a tree, near the Barn and Silo
- Pagan Village
Rounders us gardens plants we them marigolds, keepsies thems buggies away from the fruits, sweet hare and vole bes kept aways too.
Description: Lily homework instructions
Location: in the first house, on the south-west end of the village
- Pagan Village
Lily must writ this five times over fer home lesson: Full moon bes called Nene, for him Woodsie Lord's jackal, New moon bes called Enen, thems jackal's dark shadow.
Description: A message about the ritual of The Gathering Place
Location: in the Barn
- Pagan Village
Lit up the lights o' the Gathering Place, 'til all of thems glows round the Woodsie Lord's head. Then open them eyes of the Jacksberry Giver, by bringin the rubies and then placing thems there. Jumps in His mouth, when glows it all red, for these is the way to them lair of the greens, the maw of them earthsies and court of us dreams.
Description: A message from Lieutenant Mosely
Location: on the ground, right after the magic bridge
- Spring Village
To the person or persons whom I hope will have an interest: How does one begin? I am in a position to be of service to you and your cause, to save lives. But even as I write this I doubt you will trust me. Why would a high ranking member of the City Watch help Pagans? But I tell you it is true. I have helped you already, though you may not know it. Twice I have spied your agents in the city streets, and twice I looked the other way. Yes, I have helped and at great risk to myself too, for what if this letter were to be intercepted? Or if one day I were to look away when I see a Pagan, and find myself face to face with my superior? A superior who has given express orders to destroy any Pagans I find! Question your agents, and you'll see they will verify the truth of my statements. Then, if you trust me, contact me. This is the only correspondence I will send so brazenly. From now on we must decide on a system for contacting each other. With complete sincerity, Lt. Mosley, City Watch
Description: A letter from Lieutenant Mosely to the Pagans
Location: on the ground, in a tree home
- Spring Village
My new friend! I was very pleased to receive your answer so quickly. I will now outline for you my plan for how we will correspond with each other in the future. Firstly, contact will be made only after a signal. Each day, check to see which plant I have in my office window, if it is the peony, then you know I have a message to give you. Then at midnight, I'll drop my message off in the alley we agreed upon earlier. Please make sure an agent picks it up promptly as I cannot risk anyone else seeing these letters. If you need to contact me, then leave a sage branch outside my door in the morning, and I will pick up your message at noon - in the same alley. Do not deviate from this system. I will assume anyone who contacts me in your name outside of these rules is a spy or traitor to our conspiracy, and will have him or her killed. Similarly, any person who claims to be sent by me, or any message you recieve from me sent in a different manner - assume to be false, and, of course, our secret associations discovered by a third party. I shudder at the thought. Yours sincerely, Lt. Mosley
Description: A letter from Lieutenant Mosely to the Pagans
Location: on the ground, in a tree home
- Fall Village
My secret correspondent: I have found out something new. All this time I thought Sheriff Truart, possibly out of some misguided sense of duty, was acting alone against your people, but that is sadly untrue. As is his fashion - Truart was hired! Yes, and by the Mechanists! He has met with Karras, their leader, several times, and from those meetings came the order to systematically eradicate all Pagans. Oh, and they're so clever! You are now officially 'potential obstacles to the greater good' who 'must be eliminated'! You and others too, including a poor soul named Garrett whom they pursue mercilessly. Why Karras has targeted him, I have yet to discover, but as of this letter, he remains at large. The others were unfortunately not so lucky as you and this Garrett seem to be. I fear your peril is too great! Truart can be handled, but Karras and his Mechanists - stay away from them! I trust you are taking every possible precaution. My thoughts are with you. I remain, Lt. M.
Description: A letter from Lieutenant Mosely to the Pagans
Location: on the ground, in a tree home
- Winter Village
My fellow collaborator: I agree with your assessment that it is time to take drastic measures. Measures that will be no pleasure to undertake, however, they must be done. You are right, we must be rid of Sheriff Truart. With Truart out of the way, then the City Watch will receive new orders - from me! It's the only way to ensure your safety, and to preserve the integrity of the City Watch - indeed if any is left. I have a plan that I will tell you about, but in a few days. In the meantime, ready an agent to serve as assassin. Wait for my next correspondence. Until then, Lt. M.
Description: A message from Jabril to Cedar
Location: in the house on the north-east end of the village
- Pagan Village
Cedar - We'll need another cartload of those frondy plants, and let's have no lazing about the way you normally do. If you're quick, you'll even have a bonus - seven each instead of the usual six. Cutting my own throat for it, that's as much as I can squeeze out of these petty lordlings, but because you're my friend and I know you need it... anyway, get me the plants. - Jabril