Thief Wiki
Thief Wiki
Thief Wiki
The Thief video game series

Featured Article - Constantine

TG CS06 05

Constantine was a reclusive noble, who entered The City without much notice or fanfare. His manor was quite large, and employed a professional security force. He was quite eccentric and very wealthy, as he was able to pay large contracts in gold ore. His only known contact is the equally mysterious Viktoria.

A man of expensive tastes, he requires the best to get what he requires.

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Let's Play

  • Boy Lag's channel plays The Dark Mod Fan Missions as well as other darkly themed games.
  • Civvie 11 is on #5 of this Petty Thief series, and sourced this very wiki in the latest video. Thanks, Civvie!
  • Forgotten Roots channel plays some Fan Missions and other videos regarding nature and philosophy.
  • Leadheads' channel covers philosophy and design in videogames, including Thief
  • Psych0sis' channel plays speedruns of thief new and old dark OM's.
  • TheAmorphousGamer's channel plays speed runs of OM's and FM's.
  • TheEyeOfStone's channel covers Original Missions of the trilogy and System Shock 2.
  • Trevor Whalen's channel plays Fan Missions regularly.


TDS keeperglyph mission On this day… January 23

Winter is here!

Quote of the Moment

There once was a man from...

Bawdy Bedtime Limericks for Discerning Adults

Did You Know...?

...In the Ambush! level, there is a bag of loot under a large 'W', in a reference to the movie, "It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world"?

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