Voice files for 'Ape 1'
ab1a1__1: Whatsie that?
ab1a1__4: Besie something?
ab1a1__6: What there?
ab1a1_w1: Hey! Whatsie that, you?
ab1a1_w2: Something moves!
ab1a1h_1: Hearsie that?
ab1a1h_2: Huggh? Odd noise.
ab1a1hw1: Hears you that?
ab1a1hw2: Did you hear that?
ab1a1hw3: Hush hush! Hears you the noise?
ab1a1hw4: Hear something?
ab1a1hw5: Hears that too?
ab1a1v_1: Eye's be trickster!
ab1a1v_2: What sees?
ab1a1vw1: You sees something?
ab1a1vw2: Hey! Sees someone over there?
ab1a1vw3: You looksie that too?
ab1a1vw4: Over there! Something moved!
ab1a2__1: Hhhgh.... Knowing you're there now.
ab1a2__2: Keep hiding.... I'll still find you!
ab1a2__3: Hhhgh! What's that now?
ab1a2__4: Who's creepsie around there?
ab1a2__5: Hey, come out at once!
ab1a2__6: Who's there? Over there!
ab1a2h_1: Heard that! Heh heh, come out now!
ab1a2h_2: Come out, noisy taffer!
ab1a2v_1: See you now! Come out!
ab1a2v_2: Who's that there I spy?
ab1a3b_1: You'll slay him? Now I slay you!
ab1a3na1: Halt, thief!
ab1a3na2: Hhhgggh! Got you now!
ab1a3na3: Hah! Found you!
ab1a3na4: You there! Hold you!
ab1a3na5: Showsied your face, did you?
ab1a3na6: Hgghh! Where's your shadows now, manflesh!
ab1a3s_1: Aaah! Whosie you here?
ab1a3s_2: Hey! Hgggh!
ab1a3s_3: Yaa! Hold you!
ab1a3s_4: Hah! Halt!
ab1a3s_5: Hey, who're you?
ab1alma1: Ringsie the alarm!
ab1alma2: For the alarm, I...!
ab1alma3: Alarm for you! Sound your death!
ab1almw1: Soundsie you the alarming!
ab1amb_1: Fight me, sneaksie coward!
ab1amb_2: Aaagh! You shadow-lurksie taffer!
ab1amb_3: Come spills your blood for me, coward!
ab1amb_4: Aaagh! Comes out and fights!
ab1ambw1: Aaagh! A lurksie assassin hit me!
ab1ambw2: We are ambushed!
ab1ambw3: A man-flesh coward snipes me!
ab1atw_1: Die you sneaksie!
ab1atw_2: For the Woodsie!
ab1atww1: We takes him!
ab1bak_1: Hmm.... Nobodies now.
ab1bak_2: Seemsie nothing.
ab1bak_3: Must a' been nothing.
ab1bak_4: Creepsie gone now.
ab1bak_5: Dark and quiet. Nothing.
ab1bak_6: All gones now.
ab1bak_7: Nothing now.
ab1bak_8: Probably nothing. Always nothing.
ab1bkd_1: Next time you'll bleed!
ab1bkd_2: The manflesh is quick.
ab1bkd_3: Your bloods will flow yet!
ab1bkdw1: He's quick, the manflesh!
ab1blk_1: Hah! Missed me!
ab1blk_2: Manflesh's arm is weak!
ab1blk_3: Might as well fight a little mouse!
ab1blk_4: You fails!
ab1blkw1: He's not hurting us!
ab1bod_2: Haaggh! Our blood 'e spills!
ab1chga3: Fun for me now!
ab1chgw1: After hims!
ab1chgw2: Help rend the manfleshes!
ab1chgw3: On him!
ab1chgw4: Helps me get the human!
ab1chgw5: We slay him, brother-kin!
ab1det_1: Hah! Scared?
ab1det_2: Aww! The manflesh cowers!
ab1det_3: Trembles, do you?
ab1det_4: Run and hide?
ab1detw1: We've scared the poor mansie!
ab1grun1: Huh?
ab1hhi_3: Ugh.... Curse you!
ab1hit_1: Hah! Sees you bleeding!
ab1hit_2: Throws you red for our Lord!
ab1hit_3: Your blood feeds the grassies!
ab1hit_4: Ready to run, yet?
ab1hit_5: Bleed, manflesh!
ab1hit_6: I finds your heart next!
ab1hitw1: He staggers, brother-kin!
ab1hitw2: We drive him back!
ab1hitw3: I cutsies fleshes!
ab1hlow1: Aaah! I bleed, brother-kin!
ab1hnd_1: Hah! No blood from me!
ab1hnd_2: Meant the mansie to hurt?
ab1hnd_3: My skins be tougher than your iron!
ab1lar_1: Hey! See this?
ab1lar_2: Seesie here! Get help!
ab1lar_3: Help! Looksie here!
ab1los_1: Hhhggh! Uggh! Wheresie go?!
ab1los_2: Hgggh! Hgggh! Catch you yet!
ab1los_3: Sneaksie got away!
ab1los_4: Ooh! Wheresie now?
ab1mis_1: Thief! Sneaksie thief in here!
ab1mis_2: Hey! Where'd that go?
ab1mis_3: Wheresie go? Thief!
ab1rbod1: A manflesh kills us, brother-kin!
ab1rbod2: Sees one of us slain, already!
ab1rbod3: Watches for the human who kills us!
ab1rint1: Sees for a creeper around.
ab1rint2: I saw's me a sneaksie not long ago. Watches you.
ab1rint3: Watch for the lurksie humans. I saw someone.
ab1rmis1: A sneaksie thief robs us.
ab1rmis2: Tells the others! Watch for stealer takes our things!
ab1rmis3: The thief's come to steals us away!
ab1roth1: Sees the prints a sneaksie makes!
ab1roth2: Keeps watch careful. I see something!
ab1roth3: Someone creepsie by among us! Watches!
ab1roth4: Be guards, you! I think there is something afoot!
ab1roth5: I sees things! Watches you too!
ab1runa1: Over heres!
ab1runa2: This way! I heard...shot...manflesh!
ab1runa3: Hey! Here! Help!
ab1runa4: Ai! The manflesh threats with sword!
ab1runa5: Guard me! Help!
ab1sec_1: (Sniffs) Manflesh been through here!
ab1sec_2: Who does with this?
ab1sec_3: Over here!
ab1sec_4: Looksie this! Someone's break in!
ab1sma_1: Whatsie does this?
ab1sma_2: Someone's a naughty boy!
ab1sma_3: Who's been this here?
ab1telc1: Foundsie the manflesh!
ab1telc2: Manflesh over there!
ab1telc3: Manflesh over here!
ab1telc4: Sees him again!
ab1telc5: Over here! Human, here!
ab1telc6: Found him!
ab1telr1: Manflesh among us!
ab1telr2: A human comesie here!
ab1telr3: Looksie there! Be an intruder!
ab1telr4: Hey! Someone is here!
ab1telr5: Look there! A sneaksie!