statue1: st1_cini1: Dieeeeeee! Crush and kill and crush and kill.
statue1: st1_cini2: Dieeeeeee! Kill and maim and kill and maim.
statue1: st1_cini3: Dieeeeeee! Die and die and die and die.
statue1: st1_cini_na1: Killllll! You kill and I kill and you kill and I kill.
statue1: st1_cret_kil1: Deaaad! Killed you and killed you and killed you.
statue1: st1_cret_kil2: Crusssssssssshed! Killed and dead and killed and dead.
statue1: st1_csub1: Dieeeeeee! Crush and kill and crush and kill.
statue1: st1_csub2: Dieeeeeee! Kill and maim and kill and maim.
statue1: st1_csub3: Dieeeeeee! Die and die and die and die.
statue1: st1_csur1: Dieeeeeee! Crush and kill and crush and kill.
statue1: st1_csur2: Dieeeeeee! Kill and maim and kill and maim.
statue1: st1_csur3: Dieeeeeee! Die and die and die and die.
statue1: st1_csur_na1: Killllll! You kill and I kill and you kill and I kill.
statue1: st1_ev_blood1: Blooooooooood! Blood and blood running blood dripping blood.
statue1: st1_ev_body1: Deaaaaaad! Dead and dead so dead very dead.
statue1: st1_ev_door1: Oooooooooooopen! Open and open and wide and open and empty.
statue1: st1_ev_lightext1: Daaaark! No light and light out and no light.
statue1: st1_ev_loot1: Gonnnnnnne! Gone and taken and gone and stolen and gone.
statue1: st1_ev_maj1: Wronnnnnnng! Find who did this and find them and find them and kill them.
statue1: st1_ev_med1: Strannnnnnnnge! Wrong and wrong and wrong who did this who did this.
statue1: st1_ev_min1: Hmmmmmmmm! Odd and strange and odd and strange.
statue1: st1_ev_shadow1: Shaaaaaaadoww! Shadow and dark and shadow and dark.
statue1: st1_ev_torchext1: Daaaark! No torch and torch gone out and torch dark.
statue1: st1_frust1: Cowarrrrrd! Cannot stay cannot stay trapped and trapped.
statue1: st1_frust2: Waiiiiit! Will wait and kill and kill and crush will wait.
statue1: st1_gcon1: Waiiiiiiiiit! Something nothing.
statue1: st1_gcon_he1: Liiiiiiiiiistennnnnnn! Hear or silent.
statue1: st1_gcon_se1: Waaaaaatch! Shadow or still.
statue1: st1_gini1: Heeeeeeere! What what what.
statue1: st1_gini2: Whaaaaaat! Something something.
statue1: st1_gini3: Soooomethiiiing! Was it was it.
statue1: st1_gini_he1: Liiiiiiiiiistennnnnnn! Noise rat wind.
statue1: st1_gini_se1: Waaaaaaatch! See or still.
statue1: st1_greet_reply1: Nothiiiing! Nothing here nothing here too and nothing here.
statue1: st1_greet_reply2: Callllllllm! Calm here and calm here too and calm.
statue1: st1_greet_reply3: Nonnnne! Found none and found none here and found none.
statue1: st1_greet_req1: Nothiiiiiing! Nothing yet and nothing yet and nothing.
statue1: st1_greet_req2: Calllllm! All calm and calm and nothing.
statue1: st1_greet_req3: Nonnnnne! No sign and no sign and nothing to see.
statue1: st1_gret1: Noooothinnnnnng! Nothing and no one and nothing and no one.
statue1: st1_gret2: Siiiiiiiiiiiileeeeeence! Nothing but silence nothing but quiet nothing but silence.
statue1: st1_gret3: Nooonnnnnne! Nothing and no one is here nothing is here no one is here.
statue1: st1_gsub1: Agaaaaiiiin! Something nothing.
statue1: st1_idle1: Waaaaaaiiiiit! Wait and wait and watch and wait and listen and wait.
statue1: st1_idle2: Guuuuaaaaaaard! Guard and then be free and free and free.
statue1: st1_idle3: Waaaaaaaaatch! Watch and spy and watch and see and watch.
statue1: st1_idle4: Siiiiiiiiiiiileeeeeence! All is silence and quiet and chill and silence.
statue1: st1_idle5: Gaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllll! Holds the mark and draws the mark and binds the mark....
statue1: st1_misc_blind_end1: Seeeee! Not blind and see and not blind and see.
statue1: st1_misc_blind_ini1: Bliiiiiiind! Cannot see cannot see blind cannot see.
statue1: st1_misc_froz_ini1: Arghhh!
statue1: st1_misc_noisemak1: Noiiiiiiiise! Noise and noise and noise.
statue1: st1_opp_fini1: Hahhhhhhhhh! Flee and flee and hide and run and die!
statue1: st1_opp_hide1: Fledddddd! Gone and run and gone and run.
statue1: st1_opp_hide_m1: Rannnnnn! Run away and run away hiding and run and hiding.
statue1: st1_opp_hide_m_na1: Rannnnnnn! You follow and I follow and you follow and I follow.
statue1: st1_rcon1: Fiiiiiiiiiind! Find and catch and find and crush and find.
statue1: st1_rcon2: Seeeeeek! Find and kill and find and kill and find.
statue1: st1_rcon3: Heeeeeeere! Catch and find and crush and crush and crush and find.
statue1: st1_rcon_fnd1: Founnnnnd! Found you and kill you and found you and kill you.
statue1: st1_rcon_fnd2: Cauuuuuuught! Caught and caught and crush and crush.
statue1: st1_rcon_fnd_m_na1: Fouuunnnnd! Found him and found him and found him and come and kill.
statue1: st1_rcon_he1: Fiiiiiiiiiind! Find the noise again yes find it find it and kill it.
statue1: st1_rcon_he2: Noiiiiiiiise! Follow and find and follow and find.
statue1: st1_rcon_los1: Cooowwwwarrrd! Hide and hide and hide.
statue1: st1_rcon_los2: Fiiiiiiiight! Come and fight and come and fight do not hide do not hide.
statue1: st1_rcon_los3: Cooooooommmmme! Come and die and come and die!
statue1: st1_rcon_los4: Coooommmme! Stop hiding and stop running and stop hiding and be killed.
statue1: st1_rcon_los5: Stoooooopppp! Come and fight come and fight kill and die.
statue1: st1_rcon_los_m_na1: Fiiiiiiind! You find and I find and we will kill and kill and kill.
statue1: st1_rcon_los_m_na2: Seeeeek! You see and I see we will catch and crush and catch and crush.
statue1: st1_rcon_na1: Hunnnnnnt! Look again look again find and catch and kill.
statue1: st1_rcon_se1: Fiiiiiiind! Something moved and dies now and moved and dies.
statue1: st1_rcon_se2: Theeerrrrre! See that and find and catch and crush and kill.
statue1: st1_rini1: Ahhhhhhh! Something here yes find it find it catch it.
statue1: st1_rini2: Theeerre! Find and catch and find and kill and find and kill.
statue1: st1_rini3: Heeeere! Sure here and here and someone here kill them kill them kill them.
statue1: st1_rini_he1: Theeeeere! Find the sound find the noise find it find it kill it.
statue1: st1_rini_se1: Theeeeeere! Seen yes seen yes found yes seen.
statue1: st1_rnew1: Theerrrrre! Still here yes still here find it catch and crush and kill.
statue1: st1_rret1: Noooothinnnnng! No one to kill no one to kill nothing and nothing and no one.
statue1: st1_rret2: Noooothinnnnng! No sound no motion no sound no motion.
statue1: st1_rret3: Noooothinnnnng! Nothing and nothing and nothing to see to find to kill.
statue1: st1_rret_he1: Gonnnnnne! Sound is silent noise is gone no sound no noise.
statue1: st1_rret_los1: Gonnnnne! Gone and gone and hid and run and gone.
statue1: st1_rret_los2: Gonnnnnne! Wait and watch and wait and watch.
statue1: st1_rret_se1: Gonnnnnne! Nothing moves and nothing moves and nothing moves.
statue1: st1_sum_fight1: Commmme! Come and kill and come and kill.
statue1: st1_sum_fight2: Commmme! Here and here and fight and fight.
statue1: st1_sum_reply1: Heeere! Come and you and come and you.
statue1: st1_sum_reply2: Hellllp! Come to help and come to help and help.
statue1: st1_wdie1: Deadddd! Killed and broken and killed and broken.
statue1: st1_ycon1: Loooooook! Is something here look and look and look for it.
statue1: st1_ycon2: Seeeeeek! What was it what is it is it something.
statue1: st1_ycon3: Hunnnnnnt! Look for it seek it find it discover it.
statue1: st1_ycon_he1: Liiiisssteennnn! What noise what sound what noise what.
statue1: st1_ycon_se1: Looooook! what moved what crept what moved what seen.
statue1: st1_yini1: Whaaaaaat! Something is what is it what is it something is.
statue1: st1_yini2: Whooooooo! Someone or something or someone or something.
statue1: st1_yini3: Heeeeeeere! Something or someone is here is it here or something.
statue1: st1_yini_he1: Liiiiiiistennnnn! Something moves something creeps something squeaks.
statue1: st1_yini_se1: Waaaaaaaatch! Something moves something moves something darts something hides.
statue1: st1_ynew1: Theeerre! There again what is it what is it there watch and listen and seek.
statue1: st1_yret1: Noooothinnnnnng! Nothing now nothing now gone nothing now.
statue1: st1_yini2: Whooooooo! Someone or something or someone or something.
statue1: st1_yini3: Heeeeeeere! Something or someone is here is it here or something.