This is the voice of Sutter and guards like him.
guard5: g5_blame_maj1: So you were responsible for that...not going to let you do that again....
guard5: g5_blame_min1: You're the one who did this, aren't you? Quit it.
guard5: g5_caim1: Steady now....
guard5: g5_caim2: Almost ready....
guard5: g5_caim3: Got 'em in my sights....
guard5: g5_catt1: Got you!
guard5: g5_catt2: Fall, you scum!
guard5: g5_catt3: Take that!
guard5: g5_catt4: Hi ya!
guard5: g5_catt5: There!
guard5: g5_catt_hi1: Have some more!
guard5: g5_catt_hi2: Gotcha, taffer!
guard5: g5_catt_hi3: Hurts, don't it?
guard5: g5_catt_hi_na1: We've got you!
guard5: g5_catt_hi_na2: Sorry you met us?
guard5: g5_catt_hi_na3: Let me finish him!
guard5: g5_catt_lo1: This one can fight....
guard5: g5_catt_lo2: Needn't be so rough....
guard5: g5_catt_lo_na1: Help me with this!
guard5: g5_catt_lo_na2: Quickly, to me....
guard5: g5_catt_lo_na3: Hey...I need your help here....
guard5: g5_catt_ran1: And fire!
guard5: g5_catt_ran2: Away!
guard5: g5_catt_ran3: There it goes!
guard5: g5_cdam_hi1: Ow! Curse you for that!
guard5: g5_cdam_hi2: Gah! Uh oh...!
guard5: g5_cdam_hi3: Ah! Oh, the pain!
guard5: g5_cdam_hi_na1: Gah! Don't let him hit me again!
guard5: g5_cdam_hi_na2: Ah! Shield me from him!
guard5: g5_cdam_hi_na3: Ow! Somebody make him stop!
guard5: g5_cdam_lo1: Ugh! Come on, fight like ya mean it!
guard5: g5_cdam_lo2: Ah! Just a scratch!
guard5: g5_cdam_lo3: Ngh! Didn't even hurt!
guard5: g5_cdam_med1: Ngh! I can take it!
guard5: g5_cdam_med2: Ow! That stung!
guard5: g5_cdam_med3: Arg! Damn you, taffer!
guard5: g5_cdam_no1: Not much of a fighter, are ya?
guard5: g5_cdam_no2: You're kiddin' with that, right?
guard5: g5_cdam_no3: Aw...cutest little hit I ever got....
guard5: g5_cdie_ko1: Ooof...who...urrrg.
guard5: g5_cdie_words1: Gah! That's it for me....
guard5: g5_cdie_words2: Ah! I'm a goner....
guard5: g5_cdie_words3: Guh! Well played...taffer....
guard5: g5_cexp_hi1: Getting scared yet?
guard5: g5_cexp_hi2: Any last wishes, taffer?
guard5: g5_cexp_hi_f_na1: We've got her now!
guard5: g5_cexp_hi_m_na1: We've got him for sure!
guard5: g5_cexp_hi_m_na2: Keep at him! He's almost down!
guard5: g5_cexp_lo1: Damn your skill!
guard5: g5_cexp_lo2: Curse you, taffer!
guard5: g5_cexp_lo_f_na1: Hit her! Hit her!
guard5: g5_cexp_lo_m_na1: Get him before he kills me!
guard5: g5_cexp_lo_m_na2: Come on! Hit him, will ya?
guard5: g5_cexp_med1: Bit of a fighter, are you?
guard5: g5_cexp_med2: Not so easy as I thought....
guard5: g5_cexp_med_f_na1: She's good, but we can still beat her!
guard5: g5_cexp_med_m_na1: Careful...he's devilish fast!
guard5: g5_cexp_med_m_na2: We better not take chances with him!
guard5: g5_chit1: Bet that hurt!
guard5: g5_chit2: There's more where that came from!
guard5: g5_chit3: Gotcha! Ha!
guard5: g5_chit_ran1: Bullseye!
guard5: g5_chit_ran2: I never miss!
guard5: g5_chit_ran3: Yeah! Dead on!
guard5: g5_cini1: Aha! You're in big trouble, taffer!
guard5: g5_cini2: I see you! Have at you!
guard5: g5_cini3: There! You! Surrender or die!
guard5: g5_cini4: Found you! Now you're in for it!
guard5: g5_cini5: There you are! Eat this, coward!
guard5: g5_cini6: Now I see you! You'll be sorry!
guard5: g5_cini7: Look what I found! Now you die!
guard5: g5_cini8: I see you there! Let's do this!
guard5: g5_cini_enr1: I'm coming for ya!
guard5: g5_cini_enr2: Aaaaaah!
guard5: g5_cini_enr3: You've had it!
guard5: g5_cini_human1: Time to die, you!
guard5: g5_cini_ik1: Aha! Now it's your turn, killer!
guard5: g5_cini_it1: Now I see you! Nobody steals on my watch!
guard5: g5_cini_monster1: Die, you monster!
guard5: g5_cini_monster_na1: A monster! Try to surround it!
guard5: g5_cini_na1: Here's the intruder! Let's get him!
guard5: g5_cini_na2: He's over here! We can take him!
guard5: g5_cini_na3: Found him! He'll be sorry he met us!
guard5: g5_cini_zombie1: I hate zombies!
guard5: g5_cini_zombie_na1: Together we can beat these taffin' zombies!
guard5: g5_ckil1: You die now!
guard5: g5_ckil2: That's all for you!
guard5: g5_ckil3: Die, die, die!
guard5: g5_cmis1: Fast on yer feet, you....
guard5: g5_cmis2: Be still a sec....
guard5: g5_cmis3: Would ya let me hit ya?
guard5: g5_cmis_na1: Can't dodge us forever.
guard5: g5_cmis_na2: He's a quick one...you try!
guard5: g5_cmis_ran1: Oh! Must have moved at the last second....
guard5: g5_cmis_ran2: Curses! Arrow must be bent!
guard5: g5_cmis_ran3: Ah! Soooo close!
guard5: g5_cret_kil1: Ha, that'll learn ya...'cept you're dead....
guard5: g5_cret_kil2: There ain't no one who can win against me....
guard5: g5_cret_kil3: Done! And I spit on your corpse....
guard5: g5_cret_kil_na1: Way I feel, I could kill three more, you?
guard5: g5_cret_kil_na2: Shouldn't have gone up against us, eh?
guard5: g5_cret_kil_pl1: Well, you thievin' taffer, good riddence.
guard5: g5_cret_kil_pl_na1: If that WAS the infamous Garrett...we better search him...just to be sure....
guard5: g5_crime_hurtother1: You trying to kill them? Not gonna let you do that.
guard5: g5_crime_kill1: That's, that's murder! You're going down!
guard5: g5_crime_lockp1: That's burglary, that's what that is! You're not getting away with that!
guard5: g5_crime_theft1: That's not yours! You're gonna be sorry!
guard5: g5_crime_threat1: Can't let you hurt anyone, got to stop you myself.
guard5: g5_crime_tres1: You're not allowed in here!
guard5: g5_crime_vandal1: Don't you know better than to break other people's things? I'll stop you!
guard5: g5_crime_wanted1: Hey! You know there's a reward for you? I'm gonna be famous!
guard5: g5_csub1: Time to finish this!
guard5: g5_csub2: Here we go again!
guard5: g5_csub3: Should've run when you had the chance, taffer!
guard5: g5_csub_na1: We'll stop him for good this time.
guard5: g5_csur1: Huh? You just found yourself a world of trouble!
guard5: g5_csur2: What the--? OK, then, let's see what you're made of!
guard5: g5_csur3: Ah! Who the--? Have at you!
guard5: g5_csur4: What? Oh! This is gonna be good!
guard5: g5_csur5: Cripes! Hey! Oh, you're in for it now!
guard5: g5_csur6: Hey! Who're you? Stand and fight, intruder!
guard5: g5_csur7: Ah! Taff it all! You just sealed your fate!
guard5: g5_csur8: Huh? Oh, ho, ho...I'm going to enjoy this!
guard5: g5_csur_ik1: Cripes! Hey! Die, you murderous dog!
guard5: g5_csur_it1: Huh? Oh, our thief, I presume? You're in for it now!
guard5: g5_csur_na1: What the--? Come on, let's get him!
guard5: g5_csur_na2: Huh? An intruder! We can take him!
guard5: g5_csur_na3: Ah! Look over here! He'll be sorry he met us!
guard5: g5_dru_idle1: (Drunk) Sssso what...so he's capin...cabin...cap...tin...doesn't make him...ruler...of the
world...does it...?
guard5: g5_dru_idle2: (Drunk) He's gotit out fer me...thinks I dunnoit...but I do...(hiccups)...I got it aaaaallllll
written down.... Well I would...if I knewed how to...how to write....
guard5: g5_dru_idle3: (Drunk) This is where I keep it...right up here...in my noggin...like a steal trap
fer...ah...ah...what? (Hiccups and sighs).
guard5: g5_dru_idle4: (Drunk) Dern lushes...drinkin on the job...the ol' liquid lunch...makes me wanna (hiccups)
guard5: g5_dru_idle5: (Drunk) I dunno...least he coulda said...ha (hiccups)...ha (hiccups)...happy birthday....
Woulda meant somethin'...comin from 'im....
guard5: g5_dru_ycon1: Izzat you, cappy? Everythin's fine...aaaaaah, don't come over though...ah, 'cause I ain't
drunk or nothin'....
guard5: g5_dru_ycon2: Ssomebody...? Sssomeone? Sssomewhere...? Sounds like a...sssnake...silly snake....
guard5: g5_dru_ycon3: Oh...hey...wazzit again I'm lookin' for...?
guard5: g5_dru_ycon4: I'ma lookin' for you...(hiccups)...come on an...(drunkenly emotional) have a chat...nobody
ever just talks anymore....
guard5: g5_dru_ycon5: Are ya...out there? 'Cause if y'are...then...ah...ah...ah...(hiccups).
guard5: g5_dru_yini1: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Shhhhhhh! I think mebbe I heard somethin' (hiccups).
guard5: g5_dru_yini2: Whoooz there? Heh. Whoooo. Whoooo. I'm an owl. Heh.
guard5: g5_dru_yret1: Nobody there...(hiccups)...oh well...oh...welly welly well well well...(starts to sing)...said the
farmer in the dell...hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm.
guard5: g5_dru_yret2: Oh there ain't no one there...not anyone...to talk to...I ain't all bad...not all the
guard5: g5_enr_con1: Yarg! You've gone too far!
guard5: g5_enr_con2: You are so dead, taffer!
guard5: g5_enr_warn1: What do you think you're doing?
guard5: g5_enr_warn2: Hold still! Or I'll make you hold still!
guard5: g5_ev_ally1: Where's the guard? No discipline.
guard5: g5_ev_ally_na1: Look, see? No guard. If this was my watch, you know I'd be here!
guard5: g5_ev_ally_spooked1: Snap out of it, can't you?
guard5: g5_ev_ally_spooked2: Are you all right?
guard5: g5_ev_allyf1: Hello? Margie? Hmm, maybe she's gone for a snack....
guard5: g5_ev_allym1: Isn't Reggy supposed to be here? I should report him, lazy lugabout....
guard5: g5_ev_an_spooked1: Stupid varments...somethin's got 'em all riled up....
guard5: g5_ev_blood1: Looks like...ah, blood!
guard5: g5_ev_blood2: What the--? Who's been bleeding here?
guard5: g5_ev_body1: Dead as a doornail...but how?
guard5: g5_ev_body2: Who did this? This is murder!
guard5: g5_ev_body_na1: Don't touch it! Bad luck to touch a corpse....
guard5: g5_ev_body_na2: Wait...yup...dead, all right...we should probably say something, right?
guard5: g5_ev_bodyf1: What the taff...? She's been killed!
guard5: g5_ev_bodyf2: She's been murdered!
guard5: g5_ev_bodyf_na1: We can't just stand here! She's been killed!
guard5: g5_ev_bodym1: He's been killed!
guard5: g5_ev_bodym2: This man is dead!
guard5: g5_ev_bodym_na1: He's dead...we better be careful...or we could be next....
guard5: g5_ev_com1: A scrap. Hang on a minute!
guard5: g5_ev_com2: I'm with you now!
guard5: g5_ev_dam1: Help! I'm being ambushed!
guard5: g5_ev_dam2: Who's doing that?
guard5: g5_ev_door1: I musta told 'em a million times...keep the door shut....
guard5: g5_ev_door2: Why's this open? Something's not right here.
guard5: g5_ev_door_na1: Look, the door's open. And we'll get blamed for it, just you wait and see.
guard5: g5_ev_door_na2: Well I didn't leave it open. Must've been you!
guard5: g5_ev_enemybody1: Not so smart now that you're dead, are you? Are you?
guard5: g5_ev_enemybody2: Gotta thank someone for that.
guard5: g5_ev_felt1: Hey, what was that?
guard5: g5_ev_felt2: Watch it there.
guard5: g5_ev_lightext1: Did someone bump the light switch?
guard5: g5_ev_lightext2: Hey, what's going on with the lights? Now it's too dark....
guard5: g5_ev_lightoff1: Drives me batty...these lights are supposed to be left on....
guard5: g5_ev_lightoff2: How am I supposed to work when someone has put out the lights?
guard5: g5_ev_lightoff3: Someone forgot to leave the light on....
guard5: g5_ev_loot1: Wasn't there a...hmmm...a second ago?
guard5: g5_ev_loot2: Couldn't be...something stolen...on my watch....
guard5: g5_ev_loot3: What's this? Could it really be gone?
guard5: g5_ev_loot_na1: Uh oh, I think we got ourselves a thief around here.
guard5: g5_ev_maj1: I can't be seeing this!
guard5: g5_ev_maj2: What in the name of--?
guard5: g5_ev_med1: Ain't supposed to be that way....
guard5: g5_ev_med2: Who did this?
guard5: g5_ev_min1: That's odd.
guard5: g5_ev_min2: Definitely not the norm.
guard5: g5_ev_res1: Oh...was there a fight? I miss all the fun....
guard5: g5_ev_res2: Hmmm...if I'm not mistaken...someone's been fighting here....
guard5: g5_ev_ret1: Well, nothing I can do about it, right? Not my problem....
guard5: g5_ev_ret2: Someone else'll have to take care of it. I've done all I can.
guard5: g5_ev_ret_ik1: Let the Captain take care of it...if he can. Anyway, I bet that murderer is miles away from
here by now....
guard5: g5_ev_shadow1: That shadow...looks almost like—Nah, couldn't be....
guard5: g5_ev_torchext1: Just went out...weird.
guard5: g5_ev_torchext2: Someone playing with the torches?
guard5: g5_ev_torchtoff1: Funny...thought that torch was lit....
guard5: g5_ev_torchtoff2: Hmmm...maybe a draft blew it out....
guard5: g5_ev_torchtoff3: Stupid torches...never stay lit....
guard5: g5_fatigue_epi1: Whew...little winded...I guess....
guard5: g5_fatigue_epi2: Oh boy...just rest here a minute....
guard5: g5_fatigue_se1: (Out of breath) Hold on...I'll be ready in half a jiffy...(huffs & puffs).
guard5: g5_fcon1: Don't look back....
guard5: g5_fcon2: Maybe I lost 'em....
guard5: g5_fcon3: Where am I heading...?
guard5: g5_fcon4: Run legs...don't let me down....
guard5: g5_fcon5: Gotta...keep going....
guard5: g5_fcon_ik1: Don't let the murderer get me!
guard5: g5_fcon_ik2: The murderer! He's right behind me!
guard5: g5_fcow1: Come on now, leave me be!
guard5: g5_fcow2: Hey buddy, I-I didn't mean it, really!
guard5: g5_fhid1: Never find me here...I hope....
guard5: g5_fhid2: Gotta...keep quiet...can't let 'em find me....
guard5: g5_fhid3: How will I know when it's safe to come out?
guard5: g5_fini1: I quit!
guard5: g5_fini_human1: Don't want to die this way....
guard5: g5_fini_monster1: Get this thing off of me!
guard5: g5_fini_na1: You're a fool if you stay!
guard5: g5_fini_pl1: I'm off! He's too good!
guard5: g5_fini_pl2: I...I'm not paid to die...am I?
guard5: g5_fini_pl_ik1: Help! Murderer on the loose!
guard5: g5_fini_pl_it1: I'm outta here! Curse you, thief!
guard5: g5_fini_zombie1: The dead are walking! Run for your lives!
guard5: g5_frust1: When I get to you, you're dead!
guard5: g5_frust2: I know where you are...and I'll be there in just a minute....
guard5: g5_frust3: Think you're safe? There's others lookin' for you ya know....
guard5: g5_frust_f_na1: Just aim at her and shoot!
guard5: g5_frust_m_na1: He's in range ain't he? Just shoot!
guard5: g5_frust_m_na2: Go on! Shoot him already!
guard5: g5_frust_up1: How'd you get up there? Come down and fight!
guard5: g5_fsub1: Somebody stop him!
guard5: g5_fsub2: No, no! Stay away from me!
guard5: g5_gcon1: Maybe it'll do it again....
guard5: g5_gcon2: I'll just see if it goes again....
guard5: g5_gcon_he1: Not sure I really heard anything....
guard5: g5_gcon_he2: Did I hear it...or no...?
guard5: g5_gcon_he_na1: Quiet up a bit...I thought maybe there was a sound....
guard5: g5_gcon_he_na2: Shush, will ya...I'm tryin' to listen....
guard5: g5_gcon_se1: Hmmm...not sure what I seen....
guard5: g5_gcon_se2: Maybe just...seeing my own shadow....
guard5: g5_gcon_se_na1: You don't see anything, do you?
guard5: g5_gcon_se_na2: Take a look, anything moving?
guard5: g5_gen_aha1: There...found ya.
guard5: g5_gen_aha2: Oh, here you are.
guard5: g5_gen_aha3: Should've checked here first thing.
guard5: g5_gen_dazed1: Hmmm...ah...hmmm..er...what?
guard5: g5_gen_dazed2: What was I...where is the...hey....
guard5: g5_gen_dazed3: Must've...ah...well...dunno...dunno....
guard5: g5_gen_dismiss1: Not my job.
guard5: g5_gen_dismiss2: None of my concern.
guard5: g5_gen_dismiss3: Whatever.
guard5: g5_gen_distress1: Ouch!
guard5: g5_gen_distress2: Hey!
guard5: g5_gen_dunno1: Can't rightly say either way....
guard5: g5_gen_dunno2: Don't really know.
guard5: g5_gen_dunno3: Not sure.
guard5: g5_gen_frust1: How do I...what's the...oh...!
guard5: g5_gen_frust2: Can't believe this is happening to me!
guard5: g5_gen_frust3: I'll figure this out...I will, I will, I will....
guard5: g5_gen_grunt2: Here goes....
guard5: g5_gen_grunt3: Up we go....
guard5: g5_gen_hack1: (Hacking & wheezing) My lungs....
guard5: g5_gen_igetit1: Right, I get it now!
guard5: g5_gen_igetit2: Got it!
guard5: g5_gen_igetit3: Yes...how could I have been so stupid?
guard5: g5_gen_no1: No, sir.
guard5: g5_gen_no2: No.
guard5: g5_gen_no3: Nope.
guard5: g5_gen_oof1: Ho there!
guard5: g5_gen_oof2: Whooops!
guard5: g5_gen_oof3: Now what?
guard5: g5_gen_oops1: Oooopsy....
guard5: g5_gen_oops2: Whoa!
guard5: g5_gen_oops3: Er...uh oh....
guard5: g5_gen_snapout1: Hey!
guard5: g5_gen_snapout2: Uh oh!
guard5: g5_gen_snapout3: Oh no!
guard5: g5_gen_startled1: Taffin'--!
guard5: g5_gen_startled2: What in the--?
guard5: g5_gen_startled3: Yikes!
guard5: g5_gen_suffer1: Oh...my taffin' head....
guard5: g5_gen_suffer2: Aaahhh...what happened to me noggin'...?
guard5: g5_gen_suffer3: Ohhh...splittin' darn headache....
guard5: g5_gen_thanks1: You have my thanks.
guard5: g5_gen_thanks2: Thank you.
guard5: g5_gen_thanks3: 'Preciate it.
guard5: g5_gen_yes1: Yes.
guard5: g5_gen_yes2: OK, yeah.
guard5: g5_gen_yes3: Yup.
guard5: g5_gini1: Huh?
guard5: g5_gini2: Eh?
guard5: g5_gini3: Uh oh.
guard5: g5_gini4: Wassa?
guard5: g5_gini5: Hey.
guard5: g5_gini_he1: Some kinda...little noise....
guard5: g5_gini_he2: Heard something?
guard5: g5_gini_he3: Did I just hear...?
guard5: g5_gini_se1: Somethin' movin'...?
guard5: g5_gini_se2: Did I just see...um....
guard5: g5_gini_se3: Thought I saw....
guard5: g5_greet_reply1: Ah...hush up.
guard5: g5_greet_reply2: Tch...whatever.
guard5: g5_greet_reply3: What's with the friendly bit?
guard5: g5_greet_req1: Hello there.
guard5: g5_greet_req2: Evenin'.
guard5: g5_greet_req3: How goes?
guard5: g5_gret1: Ah...just wishful thinking...too eager for a fight I guess....
guard5: g5_gret2: Nothin'...no surprise...nothin' ever happens around here....
guard5: g5_gret3: Well...I figured it was nothing...probably just imagined it....
guard5: g5_gret4: False alarm...got myself spooked over nothin'....
guard5: g5_gret5: Oh well...maybe they're right...I should try to relax a little....
guard5: g5_gret_he1: Nothing.... I oughta have someone check my ears for mites....
guard5: g5_gret_he2: All clear.... Probably heard a mouse scurrying about....
guard5: g5_gret_he3: Well...wasn't sure I really heard anything anyway....
guard5: g5_gret_na1: Why'd you get me all riled up...? There's obviously nothing here, you lout.
guard5: g5_gret_na2: Next time you gets us chasing dust bunnies...the Captain'll hear about it...I promise you....
guard5: g5_gret_na3: It's nothing.... Just try to relax will ya? Or it's gonna be a long, long night....
guard5: g5_gret_se1: Huh...guess I didn't see anything after all.... Get my eyes checked, one of these days....
guard5: g5_gret_se2: Well, nothin' there to see.... Hmmm, hope I don't need glasses or nothin'....
guard5: g5_gret_se3: Oh well...not sure what it was I thought I saw....
guard5: g5_gsub1: Huh? Again?
guard5: g5_gsub2: There it is again.
guard5: g5_gsub3: Not again....
guard5: g5_iann1: Don't want to tackle this on my own....
guard5: g5_iann_pl1: You! Wait right there! I'll be right back with reinforcements!
guard5: g5_iann_pl2: Just you wait 'til I get back with some other guards!
guard5: g5_iarr_gone1: I'm not a lyin'...it was right here I tell ya!
guard5: g5_iarr_gone_pl1: Well, look around won't ya...I know I saw him.
guard5: g5_iarr_pres1: Right there...whatta you think?
guard5: g5_iarr_pres_pl1: Right where I said! Let's take him.
guard5: g5_iarr_srch1: I'll check around, if you're sure this is the right spot....
guard5: g5_iarr_srch_pl1: He must have seen you. Could still be in the area though....
guard5: g5_idle1: Captain...my arse...if he's a captain...then I'm a...a...well I don't know what...but he's no
captain...not a good one anyway...that's for sure....
guard5: g5_idle2: Oh...these god forsaken boots! Why can't I wear my own shoes to work? Huh? What difference
could it possibly make?
guard5: g5_idle3: I told 'em...but no...had to do it they're own way...woulda saved 'em a lot of trouble...a lot...if
they'd just a listened to me in the first place....
guard5: g5_idle4: Drunkards...all of 'em...and cowards too...if I were Captain...I'd have a thing or two to change
'round here...yessiree....
guard5: g5_idle5: Where could they be with that dinner of mine? They're never on time...never...not once since I've
been here....
guard5: g5_idle6: Says I should try to relax...relax...unbelievable....
guard5: g5_idle7: Lazy lugabouts...makes my blood boil...ffff...they'll get theirs...sooner or later....
guard5: g5_idle8: I'm feeling a little mean tonight...more than a little mean...if anyone even looks at me
funny...gonna be some bloody noses....
guard5: g5_idle_an1: Dang varmints. They're everywhere...someone oughta do somethin'....
guard5: g5_idle_bs1: Pulled the worst duty possible...stuck down here again...seems like Captain does it to me on
purpose...seems like it....
guard5: g5_idle_bs2: Feel all closed in...man can't work down here...better to be outdoors than down here....
guard5: g5_idle_ou1: Captain put me out here...some kind of punishment? What? I don't know...one day I'll show
guard5: g5_idle_ou2: taffin' freezin' out here it is...chill in the air...can't feel my own toes...at least basement duty is
warm...next time I'll try for that....
guard5: g5_idle_ra1: Rats. Disease carryin', noise makin', nibblin', disgustin' rats.
guard5: g5_idle_st1: No one dares try anything when I'm walkin' the beat...that's 'cause I'm not afraid to bend the
rules a bit...hehe....
guard5: g5_idle_st2: This part of town...need someone like me patrolin'...otherwise it'd be hoodlum central....
guard5: g5_irep1: I saw something back there, and somebody else should see it too.
guard5: g5_irep2: I saw something, could mean trouble.
guard5: g5_irep_body1: Some poor taffer's been killed. The body's back that way.
guard5: g5_irep_body2: Trouble's brewing! I just saw a dead body!
guard5: g5_irep_ik1: Hurry up! I just seen the murderin' dog!
guard5: g5_irep_it1: Come on! I just seen the thief we been lookin' for!
guard5: g5_irep_pl1: Get off your arses! We got ourselves a visitor!
guard5: g5_irep_pl2: Come on! There's an intruder here!
guard5: g5_ires1: All right, all right, just show me....
guard5: g5_ires2: Don't panic, I'm with ya now....
guard5: g5_misc_blind_con1: Oooo...can't see...where's my...ah....
guard5: g5_misc_blind_con2: Uh oh....ooops...all turned around here....
guard5: g5_misc_blind_con3: I can't...seem to see...a thing....
guard5: g5_misc_blind_end1: There...there, I think I can see again.
guard5: g5_misc_blind_end2: Yes...eyesight's...starting to come back.
guard5: g5_misc_blind_end3: Eyesight...coming back. Oh, thank god.
guard5: g5_misc_blind_ini1: Aah! I've been blinded!
guard5: g5_misc_blind_ini2: Can't see...! Ah!
guard5: g5_misc_blind_ini3: Oh god! Blinded!
guard5: g5_misc_noisemak1: I really have no idea what that sound could be....
guard5: g5_misc_noisemak2: That's not a...what's that noise?
guard5: g5_misc_noisesup1: Sound was all funny...like underwater?
guard5: g5_misc_pickp1: Someone...took it! Right off my belt!
guard5: g5_misc_pickp2: Some taffin' pickpocket around here....
guard5: g5_misc_pickp3: I know I had it...maybe it fell....
guard5: g5_misc_slip1: Whoa-oh-oh!
guard5: g5_misc_slip2: Whoops!
guard5: g5_misc_slip3: Oooof!
guard5: g5_nbarrel1: Something could be hiding near these barrels....
guard5: g5_nchair1: That chair, maybe?
guard5: g5_ncouch1: How about that couch, then?
guard5: g5_ncrate1: I'll just have a quick peek by these crates....
guard5: g5_ndesk1: Hmmm...what about the desk....
guard5: g5_ndoor1: Should check the door....
guard5: g5_nladder1: Better check that ladder....
guard5: g5_nmach1: Better check over by the machinery....
guard5: g5_nshadow1: What kind of a guard would I be if I didn't check in the shadows...eh?
guard5: g5_nshelf1: I'll just have a look by those shelves....
guard5: g5_nstatue1: Hmmm...that statue...is something over there....
guard5: g5_ntable1: Gotta check by that table....
guard5: g5_obs_citywatch1: Keep the beat.
guard5: g5_obs_citywatch2: Pullin' the night shift, eh?
guard5: g5_obs_citywatch3: Officer.
guard5: g5_obs_commoner1: Comin' through.
guard5: g5_obs_commoner2: Step aside.
guard5: g5_obs_commoner3: Outta the way, peasant!
guard5: g5_obs_guard1: Let me know if there's any news.
guard5: g5_obs_guard2: I could use a break.
guard5: g5_obs_guard3: Long night.
guard5: g5_obs_hammer1: Just don't give me none of that 'Builder' stuff.
guard5: g5_obs_hammer_friend1: Evening, Hammerite.
guard5: g5_obs_noble1: Not bowing and scraping for nobody.
guard5: g5_obs_noblef1: I'd be careful, my lady.
guard5: g5_obs_noblef2: M'lady.
guard5: g5_obs_noblem1: No worries, your grace.
guard5: g5_obs_noblem2: A respectful 'how goes it' to you, sir.
guard5: g5_obs_pagan1: I'm keeping my eye on you.
guard5: g5_obs_pagan_friend1: Um, good tree-ing. Or whatever.
guard5: g5_obs_pl1: Just keep moving, taffer.
guard5: g5_obs_pl2: Er.
guard5: g5_obs_pl3: How can I relax with taffers like that around?
guard5: g5_opp_fcon1: Stop your running, you coward!
guard5: g5_opp_fcon2: There's no escape, taffer!
guard5: g5_opp_fcon3: Think you can outrun me?
guard5: g5_opp_fini1: That's right, run, you coward!
guard5: g5_opp_fini2: Had enough I see....
guard5: g5_opp_fini_f_na1: Oh, she can try to run, but we'll catch her!
guard5: g5_opp_fini_m_na1: Look at him go...guess he didn't have the stomach for it....
guard5: g5_opp_hide1: Gone? What'll they think of next?
guard5: g5_opp_hide2: Hey you, you're not hiding are ya?
guard5: g5_opp_hide_f1: Now...where'd she disappear to?
guard5: g5_opp_hide_f_na1: Now look what ya done! Ya lost her!
guard5: g5_opp_hide_m1: Vanished...what's he playing at?
guard5: g5_opp_hide_m2: (Hushed) Damn! I lost him!
guard5: g5_opp_hide_m_na1: Why'd you let him give us the slip?
guard5: g5_opp_hide_m_na2: Come on, get looking for him, can't have gone far....
guard5: g5_opp_mis1: Close...but no cigar!
guard5: g5_opp_mis2: Oooo...nearly had me that time!
guard5: g5_opp_mis3: Not fast enough!
guard5: g5_opp_mis4: Not quite!
guard5: g5_opp_mis5: Nice try, taffer!
guard5: g5_pagancornerstone1: Weird place to put all these plants.
guard5: g5_rcon1: Stop hiding now...hiding never solved anything....
guard5: g5_rcon2: If you come out...I'll give you a big surprise....
guard5: g5_rcon3: Look, I got all taffin' night to look for ya...you got that kind of time?
guard5: g5_rcon4: Wassa matter? You afraid of the big bad guard...?
guard5: g5_rcon5: I know someone's there....
guard5: g5_rcon6: I will find you, you know...sooner...or later....
guard5: g5_rcon7: Ah, just come on out so's I can fight ya!
guard5: g5_rcon8: Making me search like this...you're just making matters worse....
guard5: g5_rcon_fnd1: Aha! Found you!
guard5: g5_rcon_fnd2: Thought you could hide from me?
guard5: g5_rcon_fnd3: Gotcha!
guard5: g5_rcon_fnd4: It's all over for ya now, taffer!
guard5: g5_rcon_fnd5: There you are!
guard5: g5_rcon_fnd_f_na1: Here she is! Let's get her!
guard5: g5_rcon_fnd_m_na1: Come quick! I found him!
guard5: g5_rcon_fnd_m_na2: Here he is...try to get in back of him!
guard5: g5_rcon_fnd_m_na3: Over here! He's right here!
guard5: g5_rcon_he1: Just gotta figure out...where that noise came from....
guard5: g5_rcon_he2: I heard you, and you know I heard you, so why not just come out?
guard5: g5_rcon_he3: I got an idea, make some more noise...it'll help me find ya....
guard5: g5_rcon_he_na1: We heard ya...and now...we're going to find ya!
guard5: g5_rcon_he_na2: If you hear it again...let me know right away....
guard5: g5_rcon_ia_na1: Weird night...I'd keep your weapon handy if I were you....
guard5: g5_rcon_ik_na1: Careful...you heard about the body right? Taffin' killer on the loose....
guard5: g5_rcon_it_na1: Be alert now...could be its the thief we heard about....
guard5: g5_rcon_los1: If ya come out now...I'll kill ya quick-like....
guard5: g5_rcon_los2: I'm right tired of all this hiding, you taffin' dog-breathed criminal!
guard5: g5_rcon_los3: (Obviously lying) I'm gonna close my eyes and count to three...give ya a chance to run...see?
One... two...thrrrrreeee...crap.
guard5: g5_rcon_los4: You should be ashamed! Hiding like a coward!
guard5: g5_rcon_los5: Don't you want a good ol' fashioned fight? Huh? Well, then, come on out....
guard5: g5_rcon_los6: I...I'm trying not to get real mad...but I don't care for this hiding bit....
guard5: g5_rcon_los7: No use hiding, you know.
guard5: g5_rcon_los8: When I find you...I'm gonna rip you to pieces!
guard5: g5_rcon_los_f1: (Obviously lying) It's all right, miss, you can come on out now.
guard5: g5_rcon_los_f_na1: She's here all right...just keep on searching around....
guard5: g5_rcon_los_m1: He's here still...hiding somewhere...I just know it!
guard5: g5_rcon_los_m2: When I find him...he'll wish he was never born.
guard5: g5_rcon_los_m3: He's gonna regret makin' me look for him like this.
guard5: g5_rcon_los_m_na1: We'll get the bastard, we will.
guard5: g5_rcon_los_m_na2: Keep looking for him...it could mean our jobs....
guard5: g5_rcon_los_m_na3: The captain'll have our heads if we don't find him....
guard5: g5_rcon_na1: Look everywhere...I don't want to have to double check your work....
guard5: g5_rcon_na2: No, no...really look! Like this...see? And if you find anything, yell, got it?
guard5: g5_rcon_na3: That's right...we keep searching until we find something...that's the spirit....
guard5: g5_rcon_se1: Did you really think I wouldn't see you? Stupid taffer....
guard5: g5_rcon_se2: I know what I seen! Hiding won't fool me you know!
guard5: g5_rcon_se3: Think I saw it...somewheres over here...yeah....
guard5: g5_rcon_se_na1: Whatever we seen...I think we should focus our search over here....
guard5: g5_rcon_se_na2: If you see it again...you know what to do, right?
guard5: g5_repri_bump_init1: Beg pardon.
guard5: g5_repri_bump_init2: Look where you're going.
guard5: g5_repri_hurt_init1: You get over here and apologize! I'm bleeding!
guard5: g5_repri_hurtother_init1: Can't you see you're hurting them?
guard5: g5_repri_hurtother_sub1: I'm not warning you again. Leave them alone.
guard5: g5_repri_lockp_init1: Don't you be opening that. Get away from it!
guard5: g5_repri_odd_init1: Hey, what are you doing?
guard5: g5_repri_odd_init2: Exactly what do you think you're doing?
guard5: g5_repri_over1: You really had me going there for a moment.
guard5: g5_repri_over2: Glad to see you're behaving yourself now.
guard5: g5_repri_over3: Better! And keep in line now, you hear?
guard5: g5_repri_stare_init1: (Sarcastically) Can I help you?
guard5: g5_repri_stare_init2: Enough with the funny looks.
guard5: g5_repri_theft_init1: What do you think you're doing? You can't have that!
guard5: g5_repri_theft_init2: You stealing from me, taffer?
guard5: g5_repri_threat_init1: If it's a fight you want, you've found the right man....
guard5: g5_repri_threat_init2: You looking for a fight, taffer?
guard5: g5_repri_threat_sub1: I'm not telling you again, stop threatening me.
guard5: g5_repri_threat_sub2: No more of that!
guard5: g5_repri_thrown_init1: You trying to hit me?
guard5: g5_repri_thrown_init2: Don't you dare throw another.
guard5: g5_repri_thrown_sub1: I'm not gonna keep warning you. Stop throwing stuff!
guard5: g5_repri_thrown_sub2: You throw anything else and I'll make you sorry.
guard5: g5_repri_tres_init1: Hey! You! Private property, this.
guard5: g5_repri_tres_init2: Just stay where you belong.
guard5: g5_repri_vandal_init1: Watch what you're doing! You just broke that!
guard5: g5_repri_vandal_sub1: I told you already, stop breaking things!
guard5: g5_rini1: Ho there! Somebody sneaking around?
guard5: g5_rini2: If someone's there...you picked the wrong guard to mess with!
guard5: g5_rini3: Someone looking for trouble tonight?
guard5: g5_rini4: What's going on over there, huh?
guard5: g5_rini5: All right, whoever you are, I know you're there!
guard5: g5_rini_he1: I can hear you, you stupid taffer!
guard5: g5_rini_he2: If you made any more noise...you'd wake up the whole dang city!
guard5: g5_rini_he3: What's the point in sneaking around if you're gonna make all that noise?
guard5: g5_rini_he_na1: You hear that? This means some action...finally....
guard5: g5_rini_he_na2: Listen to that...we've got company...ready yourself....
guard5: g5_rini_he_na3: There, hear that! Come on, let's take a look.
guard5: g5_rini_se1: OK, there, I saw that!
guard5: g5_rini_se2: Somebody lurking over there?
guard5: g5_rini_se3: That ain't you I see, Cappy, is it?
guard5: g5_rini_se_na1: Right there...you'd have to be blind not to see it....
guard5: g5_rini_se_na2: You seen it too, right? Hope you're ready for this....
guard5: g5_rini_se_na3: Did you see it? You'll just have to trust my word, if not....
guard5: g5_rnew1: Still there, are ya? Don't worry...I'll be finding you soon....
guard5: g5_rnew2: There! Again! I must really be getting close now....
guard5: g5_rnew3: That's right...just keep it up, you...easier to find ya....
guard5: g5_rnew_he1: Again! Making all that ruckus...I guess you want to be found....
guard5: g5_rnew_he2: Right...still making noises...are we? Fine by me....
guard5: g5_rnew_he3: OK, I hear ya, I hear ya...I just haven't found you yet....
guard5: g5_rnew_se1: That there! Same as I saw before...I think....
guard5: g5_rnew_se2: Again! I knew I wasn't seeing things!
guard5: g5_rnew_se3: There! Just seen it again, I did!
guard5: g5_rpre1: Hell's bells!
guard5: g5_rpre2: What the bloody--?
guard5: g5_rpre3: Aha!
guard5: g5_rret1: Ah...what's the point...if someone was here...they took off a while ago....
guard5: g5_rret2: Well...someone was here...that's for sure...but I've checked, and they're gone now....
guard5: g5_rret3: The point is...nobody's here now...I shouldn't beat myself up over it....
guard5: g5_rret4: Ah...forget it! Makes me mad is all...thought I was this close to catchin' an intruder....
guard5: g5_rret5: I know something was there...just like I know now that it's gone....
guard5: g5_rret_he1: Whatever or whoever I heard...definitely not here now....
guard5: g5_rret_he2: I don't hear it anymore...and I've looked, there ain't nothin' here....
guard5: g5_rret_he3: Made a run for it, I guess...knew I heard him...and high tailed it outta here....
guard5: g5_rret_los1: Must've escaped...ah...that's not gonna look good on my record....
guard5: g5_rret_los2: Gone...must've slipped past me somehow....
guard5: g5_rret_los3: What am I gonna say to the captain...ah...Captain, sir, the perpetrator
somehow...ah...managed to...despite my best efforts, mind ya...er...escape...? Ah, crap.
guard5: g5_rret_los_f1: Course she ran...knew she was up against me....
guard5: g5_rret_los_f_na1: She's gone. Long gone...and there ain't nothin' we can do about it....
guard5: g5_rret_los_m1: Can't believe it...how could I have let him get away?
guard5: g5_rret_los_m_na1: You lazy lout...it's your fault he got away...you realize that don't ya?
guard5: g5_rret_na1: Enough...there's nothing here to find...just carry on with your duties...go on....
guard5: g5_rret_na2: Nothin'...did the Captain put you up to this? Trying to trick me into thinking someone was
there? Huh? Speak up...ah, forget it....
guard5: g5_rret_ra1: All that over a stinkin little rat! Makes me wanna spit!
guard5: g5_rret_se1: I know I saw someone...I just know it...but I can't waste any more time lookin' for what ain't
guard5: g5_rret_se2: Ridiculous...I'm sure I seen something...but I just can't seem to find anything....
guard5: g5_rret_se3: Nothin'...guess it's like they say...your eyes play tricks at night...or bigger than your stomach
or some such....
guard5: g5_rsur_ev_com1: Ah, Look out!
guard5: g5_rsur_ev_com2: Take cover!
guard5: g5_sle_idle1: Oh (yawns) why can't it be morning!
guard5: g5_sle_idle2: Need some action...maybe that'd (yawns) keep me awake....
guard5: g5_sle_idle3: So tired...if it weren't for these taffin' boots, (yawns) I'd be asleep.
guard5: g5_sle_ycon1: Hold yer horses...(yawns)...I'm a comin'....
guard5: g5_sle_ycon2: All right...I'm a comin...just a gosh darn minute....
guard5: g5_sle_ycon3: Better...(yawns) check...just to be sleepy...I mean...sure....
guard5: g5_sle_yini1: Hello? Er...(yawns) better see if that was somethin'....
guard5: g5_sle_yini2: Who, ah, (yawns) what? Stop botherin' me....
guard5: g5_sle_yret1: Aw...it was nothin', shouldn't a' bothered...(yawns)....
guard5: g5_sle_yret2: Oh...(yawns)...everything's all right...same old...same old....
guard5: g5_sleeping1: (Talking in sleep) But mama...I don't want any more porridge...hoo...hoo....
guard5: g5_sndocc1: What a din! How can I work under these conditions!
guard5: g5_sndocc2: So loud in here! Someone could walk right up behind me, and I'd never know!
guard5: g5_sum_fight1: Help! Anybody!
guard5: g5_sum_fight2: Little help here! Guards?
guard5: g5_sum_fight3: Someone help me here!
guard5: g5_sum_reply1: Here I am!
guard5: g5_sum_reply2: Hold on...I'm almost there!
guard5: g5_sum_reply3: Step aside...let me in there!
guard5: g5_valley1: Someone's in the alley!
guard5: g5_vatrium1: Intruder in the atrium!
guard5: g5_vbathrm1: In the bathroom! In the bathroom!
guard5: g5_vbedrm1: He's in the bedroom!
guard5: g5_vbsmt1: There's a taffer in the basement!
guard5: g5_vchamber1: I just seen someone in the chamber!
guard5: g5_vchapel1: Someone's in the chapel!
guard5: g5_vcourtyd1: Look, there! He's in the courtyard!
guard5: g5_vhall1: He's in the hallway!
guard5: g5_vinside1: We got an intruder in here!
guard5: g5_vkitchen1: There he is! In the kitchen!
guard5: g5_vlibrary1: Hey! There's someone in the library!
guard5: g5_voutside1: He's outside!
guard5: g5_vrafters1: Somebody's tryin' to hide in the rafters!
guard5: g5_vroof1: Uh oh! Look up there, he's on the roof!
guard5: g5_vstairs1: There he is, on the stairs!
guard5: g5_vstreet1: He's in the streets he is!
guard5: g5_wdie1: Murdering swine!
guard5: g5_wdie2: Dead? Look what ya done, taffer!
guard5: g5_wdie_f1: You killed her! You murderous dog!
guard5: g5_wdie_m1: Hey! He's dead! You'll pay for that!
guard5: g5_wfle1: Where you going? We're not done here!
guard5: g5_ycon1: This better not be one of them jokes...I can't abide jokes....
guard5: g5_ycon2: If anyone's here...they're gonna be in big trouble....
guard5: g5_ycon3: Hello, that you, Cappy? Maybe he's testing me...jeez....
guard5: g5_ycon4: Somebody there? Hello?
guard5: g5_ycon5: Bet it's nothin...but I gotta check it out, don't I?
guard5: g5_ycon_he1: Now...where do I think that noise came from?
guard5: g5_ycon_he2: Pretty sure I heard it somewhere over here....
guard5: g5_ycon_he3: Sounded like it was...maybe from this direction....
guard5: g5_ycon_he_na1: I'm not sure what it was...but the point is, you heard it too, right?
guard5: g5_ycon_he_na2: Can you still hear it?
guard5: g5_ycon_na1: Look, darn it, really look, 'cause I'm telling you something could be there....
guard5: g5_ycon_na2: You give a shout the second you find anything...got it?
guard5: g5_ycon_se1: Ah...gotta check...could be what I seen was important....
guard5: g5_ycon_se2: For my own peace of mind...gotta rule out the worst...'cause I think I did see something....
guard5: g5_ycon_se3: I'm sure I seen something...but what...and where?
guard5: g5_ycon_se_na1: Do you see anything? Keep me informed at all times....
guard5: g5_ycon_se_na2: Keep at it, I'm pretty sure whatever I saw was around here....
guard5: g5_yini1: Hello, who's there?
guard5: g5_yini2: Someone there?
guard5: g5_yini3: That you, Cap?
guard5: g5_yini4: Don't think I imagined that....
guard5: g5_yini5: Ah...guess I better check it out....
guard5: g5_yini_he1: Funny noises 'round here....
guard5: g5_yini_he2: Did I just hear somethin'?
guard5: g5_yini_he3: Thought I heard...hmmm....
guard5: g5_yini_he_na1: Hush up, you, I'm trying to listen here....
guard5: g5_yini_he_na2: Quiet...I thought I heard a sound....
guard5: g5_yini_he_na3: Sshhh...did you just hear that?
guard5: g5_yini_se1: Did I just see...ah....
guard5: g5_yini_se2: Not sure...might be somethin' movin'....
guard5: g5_yini_se3: Thought I seen something.
guard5: g5_yini_se_na1: Did you just see something?
guard5: g5_yini_se_na2: Over there...see anything?
guard5: g5_yini_se_na3: Would you look! I'm tellin' ya I seen something!
guard5: g5_ynew1: There...there it is again...hmmm....
guard5: g5_ynew2: Aha...again...so I wasn't imagining it before....
guard5: g5_ynew3: Again! This is really buggin' me....
guard5: g5_ypre1: Wha--?
guard5: g5_yret1: Nothing...guess even I can be wrong sometimes...not a lot, but sometimes....
guard5: g5_yret2: Nothin' here...guess I am a little jumpy...I'll just try to take things more in stride....
guard5: g5_yret3: Well...I'll just chalk it up to the late hour...and that burrick burger I had earlier....
guard5: g5_yret4: Hmmm...nothin...gotta relax...re-lax....
guard5: g5_yret5: Tch...forget it...if there was anything here...I'd of found it by now....
guard5: g5_yret_he1: Hmmm...I really thought I heard something...maybe just the place settling a bit....
guard5: g5_yret_he2: Nothing...whatever I heard...must have been...dunno....
guard5: g5_yret_he3: Aw, there's nobody here...I hear one little noise and jump to all kinds of conclusions....
guard5: g5_yret_na1: We looked enough...ain't nothing here...carry on....
guard5: g5_yret_na2: Seems all clear...and by the way, I don't appreciate you getting me all worked up over
guard5: g5_yret_ra1: Just a taffin' rat...gave me the heeby-jeebies it did....
guard5: g5_yret_se1: Coulda been I seen a...well, what's it matter...it's not here any more....
guard5: g5_yret_se2: If it was someone I saw...they musta left when they saw me...only smart thing to do....
guard5: g5_yret_se3: This place...I'm not surprised I seen something that wasn't really there....