Thief Wiki
Thief Wiki

Important: The following screenshots are from the game Thief Gold and are done using Thief Enhancement Pack, so they may look somewhat different from the way your game appears.

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Description: A page from one volume of the Hammerites' many books of religious tenets

Location: in a pile of books on the floor of the library

Hammer Temple, upper floor

M10VO39 location

Hammerite Compendium of Precepts, Regimens and Rules of Conduct, Vol. 39

Hadst I a hammer, wouldst I hammer in the morning. Wouldst I hammer 

in the evening, all over this land.

Note: This is a reference to the song "If I Had a Hammer". Wikipedia description


Description: A chapter from the Hammerites book of cannons and teachings

Location: in a pile of books on the floor of the library

Hammer Temple, upper floor

M10VO170 location

Hammerite Compendium of Precepts, Regimens and Rules of 

Conduct, Vol. 170 

The proof of the wall is that it stretcheth above the height of a man, 

and lasteth beyond the span of a man. Our greatest works exceed us in 

all ways.


Description: Hammerite book of prayers

Location: on the ground in the main chapel

The Hammer Temple, upper floor

M13chisel location

Then didst the Builder lay down His Hammer, and take His Chisel 

to hand. Smoothed he the rough gem, and shaped it to His will. For 

each task hath its tool, and every tool, a task.