Important: The following screenshots are from the game Thief Gold and are done using Thief Enhancement Pack, so they may look somewhat different from the way your game appears.
Description: A note from the director of music to the cook
Location: on the wall of the kitchen
- The Opera House, Basement
Cook- Remember to serve the ballerinas only a light supper the night of a performance, lest we have a repeat of little Catherine's unwelcome addition to Thursday night's show. Consider this your first and only warning. -Mr. Cribs, Director of Music
Description: A letter from the director of music Cribs to Lady Valerius
Location: on a table, in Lady Valerius's office
- The Opera House, third floor
My most enchanting Lady V - I will cherish the flute always. Its outward beauty is matched only by its glorious tone. I must endeavor to keep it safe. However I will be somewhat indisposed at home until this confounded furuncle heals. I hope I do not impose too much upon you - but will you look after this key to my wall safe while I recover? The flute is there, of course. I hope to return to my duties as music director before the new moon. Your friend and colleague - Ian Cribs
Description: A letter for Lady Valerius to Mr. Cribs
Location: on a table, in a north side practice room
- The Opera House, second floor
Mr. Cribs, Ian, Dearest - These are great times for thinkers such as ourselves. I am certain that the secrets of the artifact will soon be mine. With its powers, and the power unleashed by your music, I am more and more convinced that our day is near. Please accept this flute as a token of my continued appreciation. Appreciation for our special friendship, and for your tireless dedication to the opera. Yours always - Lady Valerius
Description: An admiration letter form a certain Lord B. to one of the performing girls
Location: on a stone shelf in one of the south rooms
- The Opera House, first floor
Carmella - A stellar performance as usual. I write in hopes that you will consent to a stroll this evening on the 2nd floor promenade. I promise I will not arrive empty handed. Please do not refuse me, I will wait all night if need be. A short stroll and some pleasant conversation is all I ask, and in return I have for you a most special gift - one fit for a queen. Awaiting you on the promenade, I remain, Your most ardent admirer, Lord B.
Description: Giry's diary
Location: near Giry's dead body
- The Caverns ("Beware Brethren!")
More spiders arrived today. That makes twelve this week. I have no time to puzzle over this strange migration. I must pack up my belongings and move elsewhere on the morrow. - Giry
Description: A notice from Lady Valerius to all the security personnel at the Opera
- on the wall, next to the basement stairs leading to the ticket office
- The Opera House, basement
- on the wall, in the décor hall, behind the main scene
- The Opera House, first floor
- on the wall, in the guard station
- The Opera House, first floor
Captain Colliard and men of the Opera Guard - Two guards will at all times, day and night, be posted outside my office suite. In case of trouble or commotion of any kind in the opera house, then send two more to stand guard directly inside the suite. The artifact must be protected. I will tolerate no lapses in security. -L. Valerius
Description: The script of the upcoming play by Mr. Cribs
Location: on a table in the library (the red book on the left, the book on the right is unusable)
- The Opera House, third floor
REGINALD AND CONANDRA FOREST PRINCESS or The Tragical Tale of Forbidden Devotion Betwixt Our Hero Reginald, Hammerite Novice, and the Sprightly Conandra, Forest Denizen and Ruler of all Trees. Libretto and Music by Ian Cribs. ACT 1: The Forest Edge. REGINALD has been sent to cut wood. He sings: 'I am but a simple novice, sent here to bring wood from forest, happy is this sunny day, if only it could stay this way.' CONANDRA, singing from afar: 'Ahh glorious sun! Send your rays upon us! But wait - who is this I spy? Who dares fell wood from my domain?! He will learn the folly of his ways!!' Conandra lands a blow upon Reginald's head. Reginald sings: 'Ahh! Pound me not foul forest thing!' He raises his axe in a defensive stance. Reginald sees Conandra for the first time, he sings: 'Did I say foul forest thing? For thou art beautiful as a butterfly's wing!' Conandra, her eyes meeting Reginald's, sings: 'Didst I land a blow upon your head? For I would rather take my own life instead!' They embrace. They exit stage left. The forest creatures sing: 'Na, na, na, la, la, la, etc.' End ACT 1
Description: A message from Lady Valerius to the man in charge of the party sent to deal with the spider problems
Location: in the chamber where the Water Talisman should be kept
- The Caverns, The Keeper's Shrine
To Captain Colliard, from Lady Valerius- I have received word of the shrine and treasure room you have found during your mission to eradicate our little spider problem. I look forward to receiving whatever bounty lies there, and will not tolerate any more excuses about mysterious traps or other dangers. Success - Lady V.
Description: A poor Keeper's last notes
Location: near the bones of a Keeper
- The Caverns ("4 men lost")
I fear to go on. The rest of the expedition have gone on ahead, and I was to follow directly. But when the last of them disappeared beneath the surface of the water, all my strength and courage disappeared with them. When they see that I do not follow, they will surely send someone back for me. I need only wait a moment more, or perhaps at most an hour. Dark thoughts haunt me. What is time in a place that sees no sun or moon? What good are tears in a place that is all water? I must rest now. Oh to have a spot dry enough to recline upon comfortably!
Description: Another message from Lady Valerius to Colliard
Location: on the side of the channel, in a sewer beneath the Opera's basement, The Caverns ("Unknown→")
Mr. Colliard: It is not enough to kill the spiders brazen enough to enter the basement; you must tell your men to descend into the sewers and below. They must kill every spider they see. They must search until no more spiders are found. It does not concern me if men are lost, or if they are afraid to 'venture past the sewers into the tunnels beyond.' If your men cannot complete this simple task, I will find men more suitable to the work. And are you so sure you can get other work, without a recommendation from the Opera? I think not. Report to me on the morrow regarding your progress. L. Valerius
Description: Raoul's secret diary
Location: on a table in a secret room
- The Opera House, second floor
I am beginning to suspect that I do not have revenge in my blood. For if I did, I would go now and steal from Lady Valerius all the contents of her office suite. She doesn't know about the secret passageway that leads there from the 2nd floor rotunda. She doesn't know about the key that works the lock. When she took over here and dismissed my whole staff, all knowledge of the secret passages and rooms left with us. I return here now and then to obtain provisions, always with the thought of exacting some revenge - but I fear I carry with me a terrible flaw - I do not have revenge in my blood. -Raoul.
Description: A warning the Keepers have written to those who dare enter the shrine
Location: in the chamber where the Water Talisman should be kept
- The Caverns, The Keeper's Shrine