Bay E, Plans Room
Signal Slot A
Signal Slot B
To Brother Kelsus, Regarding the proper usage of the Guiding Beacon: As thou knowest, the Servants are controlled by the eight Signal Towers located on the roof of the cathedral. Normally these Signal Towers communicate instructions that I myself issue unto the Servants from within my protective chamber. However, when the time comes to modify the Servants, we will use these Signal Towers to transmit the Guiding Beacon instead. In my wisdom, I have made it easy to do this without necessitating difficult adjustments to the Signal Towers. Firstly, thou must get the Guiding Beacon. Only one hath been manufactured, and I am controlling access to it by keeping it always with me inside my protective chamber. Since thou art a loyal and industrious Follower of Karras, if I am unavailable thou hast my permission to manufacture a new one. The blueprints are stored in the Plans Room. Bringeth then the Guiding Beacon to the Signal Room, which is on the 3rd floor of the Northern Apse. There thou wilt see the machine that produces the signal used by the Signal Towers. This machine hath two slots: Signal Slot A and Signal Slot B. At all times, the device which transmits my instructions must be kept connected to Signal Slot A. However, thou canst connect the Guiding Beacon to Signal Slot B. Do this at thy leisure for 'twill not interrupt my control over the Servants. Yet another step is required to activate the Guiding Beacon thou hast prepared. Only when thou art certain thou hast my consent, thou mayest take this final step. Go to the Signal Towers. At the base of each thou shalt find a lever. Flip the lever from 'A' to 'B'. This will cause that Signal Tower to transmit the signal in Signal Slot B instead of Signal Slot A. The Servants will hear the Guiding Beacon and begin their journey back to me here at Soulforge Cathedral. When they all arrive, thou must immediately switch the Signal Towers back to 'A' so that I can give the Servants further instructions, as the Servants cannot hear my instructions when the Signal Towers are set to 'B'. Note: It is possible to expedite the process, as thou may recall from our discussion of the principles of Redundant Signal Potency. My calculations indicate that thou needest only to set five/six/seven of the eight Signal Towers to 'B' in order for that signal to be now the dominant one. Your Revered Leader, Karras
BLUEPRINTS: Guiding Beacon Obtain a Signal Bolt and a Steel Plate from Storage Room 2. Put the Signal Bolt through the Bellowing Machine in Factory Bay C. The Stage 1 Piece will be manufactured. Transform the Stage 1 Piece with the Rolling Machine in Factory Bay A. The Stage 2 Piece will be manufactured. Manufacture a Regulating Round (see separate blueprints). Merge the Stage 2 Piece and the Regulating Round with the Sealing Machine in Factory Bay D. The Stage 3 Piece will be manufactured. Put the Stage 3 Piece through the Fusing Machine in Factory Bay E.
Factory Bay A
Factory Bay B
Factory Bay C
Factory Bay D
Factory Bay E
Northern Apse
Storage Room 2
Storage Room 3
Southern Apse
Fluid-Vapor Interchange
Sermon Hall
Turret Production
Workshop of Karras
Cooling Tanks
Exploratory Inventing Workshop: Novices Disallowed from Entry
Bellowing Machine
Rolling Machine
Sealing Machine
Fusing Machine
Amalgamating Machine
Linking Machine
Plans Room
WARNING: Allowest thou one of the Builder's Children to start this machine. Thy paltry flesh may not withstand the searing pains.
INSTRUCTIONS Place source material or materials into funnel on top of machine. Products will emerge at other end.
INSTRUCTIONS Place source material into basin on top of machine. Insert steel plate into chute on side of machine. Push button to activate machine. Products will emerge at other end.
INSTRUCTIONS Place source materials into chutes, one material per chute, on side of machine. Signal thy Friend standing on the control platform against the wall of this bay to activate the machine for thee. Products will emerge at other end.
INSTRUCTIONS Place source materials into chute on side of machine. Signal thy Friend standing on the control platform against the wall of this bay to activate the machine for thee. Products will emerge from tube.
INSTRUCTIONS Place source material or materials into basin on left side of machine. Flip lever to activate machine. Products will emerge at basin on right side of machine.
INSTRUCTIONS Place source materials into basin on side of machine. Flip lever to activate machine. Products will emerge from tube.
Comparative Power Ingestion Rates of Immobile Security Units A Concise Study of Watchers and Sentries, by Friend Gorrick Abstract: For the Sentry, the act of Focusing upon any Foe, or the Casting of Projectiles, large or small, is known to cause said Sentry to swiftly consumeth its Fuel Resources in abundance. Therefore, Sentries, in most instances, have been placed in conjunction with Watchers, whose workings doth require comparatively insignificant fuel resources whilst demonstrating superior capabilities in the detection of trespassers. Whilst this pairing doth seem to create a seamless o'erlap of function and power ingestion, in truth the inherent delay of the Watcher hath been known to compromise the security value of the Sentry. This study then, seeketh to combine the advantages of both Watcher and Sentry, indeed to create a Sentry Innovation which hath the Foe Discrimination abilities of a Watcher, yet consumeth fuel resources of comparatively small quantities. Summation of Findings: Thus far our efforts have focused on the management of Sentry power ingestion levels. We hath created Sentries that remain functional at all times, without the need for refuelment. However, they must then be fueleth continuously from a power resource external to themselves. Soulforge hast proved to be an ideal research area for testing these Sentries, since power resources there be aplenty. Unhappily we hath made little progress toward a model that functioneth extensively outside such convenient circumstances.
Journals of Brother Kelsus Returning from Father Karras's sermon today I found myself deeply troubled. He hath changed. I see now that I have observed this for some time without wanting to give it pause for thought. 'Tis chilling to listen to his Sermon issuing from one of the Children, that he cannot spare himself to venture from his chamber for even this purpose. The content of the sermon, too, was disquieting, suggesting as it did that none of us could e'er be as loyal to the Builder as a mechanism can. Though I still believe unwaveringly in the blessing of the machine, the disfavor towards all things of nature hath swollen beyond my ability to affirm. And it seemeth to me that in his speech Karras did many times confuse himself with the Builder, which be an indication I care not to think about. Many in the congregation did not seem to react to the sermon in the same way - they shouted and praised Karras as ever - but I suspect many of them no longer truly listen, that they void their minds and behave as puppets. But I did see more than one with a pensive or grave countenance, and mayhap I shall find the courage to approach those Friends soon in the Eastport seminary to discuss these matters. For have we not been ordered by Karras himself to spend this next week away from Soulforge Cathedral?
Journals of Brother Kelsus Karras hath given me warning that I might be called to Soulforge Cathedral for a short time during this next week when all others hath been ordered to abandon it. Sayeth he that he would have need of me to operate the Guiding Beacon in the manner described in his message of some time ago. I was called directly to his chamber to receive these special instructions, and I noted to my horror that Karras hath begun to take on a metallic appearance. I know not what this portends, but I shall certainly involve it in my conversations, should I opt to approach the other Mechanists in whom I have sensed the same doubt that I myself feel. Karras clearly doth respect me as a skilful engineer, or else he would not have entrusted me with this duty, but I wonder how he would respond if he sensed my growing inconstancy. But I need not ponder, as I can guess at the hideous misfortune he would dispense upon me. He hath truly forsaken his followers, but I remember not o'er long ago when he was a Hammer priest rallying his peers 'round him for improvements in the Order. It seems as though an eternity hath transpired since then. I think now of the days when I was a Hammer, and how we put our faith in our tenets and championed The Builder, and each other, above all. I shall perform for Karras this duty he requires of me, but perhaps it shall be the last. My mind is resolved: I shall have conference with those Friends that I suspect share my mind.
One of the Children fetched me today, by order of Father Karras, to visit him at the chamber in which he now cloisters. It was quite unexpected, as was the conversation which followed. I was able to speak with Father Karras through the slits in the door. He ordered me to find him some new street people to convert into Servants. Respectful, I ventured to ask him wherefore, since our supply of Necrotic Mutox gas containers is gone and we hath no need for mindless slaves when the Builder's Children are such efficient workers. He told me that the Children could not manipulate some things with their appendages as well as a human might, and I was greatly shocked to hear Father Karras make such a comparison. Nevertheless, I pressed on and inquired why did he not simply ask us, his devout followers, to perform for him whatever tasks he might require of such a nature. At this Father Karras became quite furious and bellowed at me through the door, demanding that I comply with his wishes and asking who I believed would be suitable fodder for Servants if not beggars and the like. I was much afeared at his assailment, but then he stopped quite suddenly, as though some truth had just occurred to him, and without further explanation bid me never-mind, to go back about my normal business. I should like to do so, but 'twas not long ago that this transpired, and already I have been called off to some new special duty by another missive from one of the Children. I shall finish this account when I return. - Friend Manus
I hath only been of the Mechanist order for a short time, and already I like it muchly. Many of my Friends hath been Hammers before, but some like me hath been newly recruits. Afore, I hath wanted longly to join a group of militant nature, so my skills and my not-so-dainty form could be put to good use. Alas, no such group would take me for longtimes, but the Mechanists hath been goodly to receive me thusly, and I owe them great thanks. They seem muchly impressed by mine skills at battle. Father Karras, our captain, hath ordered us to spend this week in the seminary. I think I hath understood that he needst the whole Soulforge church to himself to complete some sort of undertaking he worketh on. I shalt enjoy the seminary stay muchly, since it be so close to many taverns that I mayst visit. I hath found that the gentlemen find my Mechanist livery quite fetching, and I receive more kindly attention than I am accustomed to.
BLUEPRINTS: Guiding Beacon Obtain a Signal Bolt from Storage Room 2. Put the Signal Bolt through the Bellowing Machine in Factory Bay C. The Stage 1 Piece will be manufactured. Put the Stage 1 Piece through the Rolling Machine in Factory Bay A. The Stage 2 Piece will be manufactured. Put the Stage 2 Piece through the Sealing Machine in Factory Bay D. The Stage 3 Piece will be manufactured. Put the Stage 3 Piece through the Fusing Machine in Factory Bay E.
BLUEPRINTS: Regulating Round Obtain a Gauge and a Bantam Node from Storage Room 3. Integrate the Gauge and the Bantam Node by using the Linking Machine in Factory Bay D.
BLUEPRINTS: Mine Obtain a Iron Chassis, a Metal Plate, and a canister of Quicklime Mixture. Process the Iron Chassis and the Quicklime Mixture with the Amalgamating Machine in Factory Bay B. A Mine Bulb will be manufactured. Merge the Mine Bulb and the Metal Plate with the Sealing Machine in Factory Bay D.
BLUEPRINTS: Flare Obtain a Metal Plate, a canister of Quicklime Mixture, and a canister of Acidic Mixture. Process the Quicklime Mixture and the Acidic Mixture with the Amalgamating Machine in Factory Bay B. A canister of Flare Mixture will be manufactured. Transform the Flare Mixture with the Rolling Machine in Factory Bay A.
BLUEPRINTS: Scouting Orb Obtain a bolt of Spring Wiring, a Bantam Node, and a canister of Acidic Mixture. Put the Spring Wiring and the Acidic Mixture through the Fusing Machine in Factory Bay E. A Flux Spheroid will be manufactured. Put the Flux Spheroid and the Bantam Node through the Bellowing Machine in Factory Bay C.
Storage Room 1
The New Scripture of The Master Builder (draft, page 41) To assist his calculations Karras drafted a map of the city, and now He saw the circles He had drawn and was pleased. Nowhere was there a place that would be uncleansed by the Necrotic Mutox, and its effects would extend beyond the city. The circles conjoined in the center, the very heart of the city, the same city that had spurned Karras and denounced The Builder. Karras knew from this sign that all was to be as He had seen. Karras spake: 'Master Builder, Karras will not fail you as the Precursors did! Where an entire civilization denied Thee and was felled by Thy hand, Karras shall do Thy will! Thank Thee for directing Karras to their ashes, to discover their error and Thy gifts they misused, that Karras now uses as Thou intended. Karras hath built for Thee Thy Children, the successors of the human race, and now by Thy hand Karras shall wipe away the plague that we are, that Thy Children may last eternal, in purity.' But The Builder spoke to Karras, then, saying 'Oh Karras, Thou art truly faithful as Thou sayest. I give Thee now this command: that Thou shall remain Thyself alive when all about Thee turns to Holy Rust. When My Paradise has come, Thou shall have a place beside Me, among My Children.' And Karras fell to his knees and cried out, 'Thank Thee, Master Builder! Thy will shall be done!'
To Brother Kelsus, Regarding the proper usage of the Guiding Beacon: As thou knowest, the Servants are controlled by the eight Signal Towers located on the roof of the cathedral. Normally these Signal Towers communicate instructions that I myself issue unto the Servants from within my protective chamber. However, when the time comes to modify the Servants, we will use these Signal Towers to transmit the Guiding Beacon instead. In my wisdom, I have made it easy to do this without necessitating difficult adjustments to the Signal Towers. Firstly, thou must get the Guiding Beacon. Only one hath been manufactured, and I am controlling access to it by keeping it always with me inside my protective chamber. Since thou art a loyal and industrious Follower of Karras, if I am unavailable thou hast my permission to manufacture a new one. The blueprints are stored in the Plans Room. Bringeth then the Guiding Beacon to the Signal Room, which is on the 3rd floor of the Northern Apse. There thou wilt see the machine that produces the signal used by the Signal Towers. This machine hath two slots: Signal Slot A and Signal Slot B. At all times, the device which transmits my instructions must be kept connected to Signal Slot A. However, thou canst connect the Guiding Beacon to Signal Slot B. Do this at thy leisure for 'twill not interrupt my control over the Servants. Yet another step is required to activate the Guiding Beacon thou hast prepared. Only when thou art certain thou hast my consent, thou mayest take this final step. Go to the Signal Towers. At the base of each thou shalt find a lever. Flip the lever from 'A' to 'B'. This will cause that Signal Tower to transmit the signal in Signal Slot B instead of Signal Slot A. The Servants will hear the Guiding Beacon and begin their journey back to me here at Soulforge Cathedral. When they all arrive, thou must immediately switch the Signal Towers back to 'A' so that I can give the Servants further instructions, as the Servants cannot hear my instructions when the Signal Towers are set to 'B'. Note: It is possible to expedite the process, as thou may recall from our discussion of the principles of Redundant Signal Potency. My calculations indicate that thou needest only to set six of the eight Signal Towers to 'B' in order for that signal to be now the dominant one. Your Revered Leader, Karras
To Brother Kelsus, Regarding the proper usage of the Guiding Beacon: As thou knowest, the Servants are controlled by the eight Signal Towers located on the roof of the cathedral. Normally these Signal Towers communicate instructions that I myself issue unto the Servants from within my protective chamber. However, when the time comes to modify the Servants, we will use these Signal Towers to transmit the Guiding Beacon instead. In my wisdom, I have made it easy to do this without necessitating difficult adjustments to the Signal Towers. Firstly, thou must get the Guiding Beacon. Only one hath been manufactured, and I am controlling access to it by keeping it always with me inside my protective chamber. Since thou art a loyal and industrious Follower of Karras, if I am unavailable thou hast my permission to manufacture a new one. The blueprints are stored in the Plans Room. Bringeth then the Guiding Beacon to the Signal Room, which is on the 3rd floor of the Northern Apse. There thou wilt see the machine that produces the signal used by the Signal Towers. This machine hath two slots: Signal Slot A and Signal Slot B. At all times, the device which transmits my instructions must be kept connected to Signal Slot A. However, thou canst connect the Guiding Beacon to Signal Slot B. Do this at thy leisure for 'twill not interrupt my control over the Servants. Yet another step is required to activate the Guiding Beacon thou hast prepared. Only when thou art certain thou hast my consent, thou mayest take this final step. Go to the Signal Towers. At the base of each thou shalt find a lever. Flip the lever from 'A' to 'B'. This will cause that Signal Tower to transmit the signal in Signal Slot B instead of Signal Slot A. The Servants will hear the Guiding Beacon and begin their journey back to me here at Soulforge Cathedral. When they all arrive, thou must immediately switch the Signal Towers back to 'A' so that I can give the Servants further instructions, as the Servants cannot hear my instructions when the Signal Towers are set to 'B'. Note: It is possible to expedite the process, as thou may recall from our discussion of the principles of Redundant Signal Potency. My calculations indicate that thou needest only to set seven of the eight Signal Towers to 'B' in order for that signal to be now the dominant one. Your Revered Leader, Karras
THIEF 2 QUOTELIST Tim: 'I'm perfectly willing to screw the zombies for the patch.' Randy: 'Why cheese? Why not barrels or crates or something?' Emil: 'The apples were too small.' Randy: 'You can imagine the gruesome hack that we would have to do.' Tim: 'Yes, but we'd have to hire professionals to forgive us.' Mark (re: undercurrents of sexual tension between G & V): 'Its like medieval Moonlighting.' Emil (re: A guard who saw him from far away): 'Oh man, he's been taking his beta-carotene!' Mark (to Matt): 'Are you talking about monkeys AGAIN?' Tim: 'Remember, spelt backwards, that's 'NEgah,' not 'NAgah.' Emil: 'See, he's limping because I shot him in the leg.' Terri: 'So shoot him in the other leg.' Mark: 'Kill the chubby kid!' Bill: 'He's more curvy than I thought.' Terri: 'It's ok to have those feelings.' Garrett: 'The city looks almost bearable from up here.' Terri: 'God, what a cynic! Have a beer, Garrett.' Mike C.: 'I'm really excited about rain, snow, and falling rain.' Randy: 'Sounds like a James Taylor song.' Alex: 'I can now drop a piece of cheese on the floor and mouse-look through it.' Pat: 'You have a cheese with mouse-look?' Alex: 'Did the Trickster get eaten?' Emil: 'No, I'm going to devour him later tonight in a drunken rage.' Emil (re: his wife's due date): 'The baby's in beta.' Mike C.: 'I just think its fun to walk up behind Alex and hit him with a blackjack.' Randy: 'Exactly, it's social! (a radio plays faintly in the next room) Terri: 'Do you hear a radio playing faintly somewhere, with a woman's voice?' Emil: 'It's the voice of Viktoria. In your head.' Tim: 'It's your muse.' Terri: 'My muse isn't very helpful; I can't understand what she's saying.' Randy: 'I like sunlight and all, I just don't like the hours it occurs in.' Dan K: 'I have a bunch of bugs for the programmers. That's my job to keep them from their families.' Rob: 'Once upon a time, not only would Dromed crash, but it would go out and kill your family afterwards.' Mahk: 'I thought we took out that code.' Bug 701: 'Boor13(126) not attached to wall at hinges.' Tim: 'Yes, there's nothing more boorish than not being attached at your hinges.' Kevin C.: 'I was confused. It worked exactly like I wanted it to, so I thought it must be broken!' Terri: 'Are there any weird ramifications to me taking some mushrooms....' Randy: 'Hold on, I have to add something to the quote list.' Karras on the Loudspeakers: 'Seest thou ever the circus, Garrett? 'Tis a most uncomely spectacle, with mischievous clowns and daring trapeze. And in the end, naught is ever built...' Terri: 'Well, if it looks good enough that you don't even notice there's nothing to do, that's a start!' Tim: 'That's the kind of thing you kind of want to put on the quote list and kind of want to keep off.' Emil: 'Ok, I'm not going to get rid of my spider, but I will make him friendly.' Emil: 'You WERE trying to look up her skirt.' Dan K.: 'Well, I just wanted to see if it could be done. You have to throw the remote camera just right so it goes under their phys models, but it slides too far, and the noise alerts them and then they move around... it's really tough. Pat: 'Are you Beer Claus?' Dan K.: 'Yes, have you been a good little programmer this year? Ho ho ho.' Pat: 'Yes! Yes!' Dan K: 'So, when we put in 2, we used to crash, because 3 isn't there anymore, but now Framed, which is 4, is 2.' Alex: 'Right.' Dan K: 'So Courier, which is 5, is 4?' Alex: 'No, Courier is 3.' Dan K: 'This is idiotic.' Alex: 'But note that when you get to 12 and 13, they're actually 12 and 13.' Dan K: 'Right, but 16 is 14 and 15 is 11, so that's not actually helpful.' Terri: 'What about mission 10, is that 10?' Alex: 'No, it's 8. Unless we shift everything up by a number, in which case it will be 9.' Dan T. (to Terri): 'Liar, liar, plants on fire.' Kevin C.: 'Frog beast, I choose you!' Sara: 'Really, when you think about it, our rating should be 'immature.' Alex: 'It goes along with the bugs 'playtesters can't spell'. And 'designers can't spell'.' Randy: 'What, and programmers are some kind of spelling aces? What'd you take first prize at the spelling bee, programmer?' Dan K.: 'What are you gonna do, go cry to Bill Farquhar?' Randy (pretending to be Alex): 'The other disciplines are picking on me!' Alex to Randy: 'You know if you kill Emil with laughter you get his bug list.' Randy: 'You should try a game development cycle. It's about as unfulfilling as giving birth to twins.' Laura: 'Ohhh!' Alex: 'What!?' Laura: 'My severed head is talking!' Rob: 'Quote list!' Randy: 'I'm already on it.' Alex: 'What is 'ping stim'?' Terri: 'Come here and I'll show you.' Emil: 'I'm falling behind on my quotes, I have to say something witty...' Alex: 'It's very different.' Tim: 'It's very different in what way?' Alex: 'It's not the same.' Rob: 'Randy, you have alarms in Bank, right?' Randy: 'Yea...' Rob: 'How do you refer to an alarm system?' Emil: 'YE OLDE ALARM SYSTEM!!' Randy (to box of cereal): 'The bee looks like a wizard with no pants on.' Randy: 'You're very acute.' Dan K.: 'Thank you.' Rob: 'I think he wants to shag you!' Randy: 'Yes, thank you, Rob.' Rob: 'Oh.' Alex (to Tim): 'Permit me to call you a filthy liar, even though you are not lying.' Terri: 'Ok, tell me about the flies....' Emil: 'Well, see, I've been in crunch and I haven't had time to bathe.' Tim: 'You'll have to excuse me. I'm going to go kiss Mike Ryan now.' Bill: 'Again?' Tim: 'There's no problem that can't be solved with a dead body.' Tim: Yes, there's nothing like an amusing room brushing pun. And those things were nothing like amusing room brushing puns. Bill: 'No, that doesn't make me laugh, Steve. If it was someone else's problem, I might laugh.' Emil: 'The bug said 'This object Terri won't sit down''. Terri: 'Ok, she's not an object.' Randy: 'Yea, don't treat Terri like an object.'