Pagan Warriors guard the various pagan sanctuaries throughout the city. Armed with swords or bows, they viciously attack any intruders within their lands, unless one can prove themselves an ally. In the mission "Into the Pagan Sanctuary", Garrett comments of "Pagans preparing for war". The warrior class within the Pagan society is new to Thief: Deadly Shadows, since Pagans typically task the Trickster's beasts with their dirty-work.
Pagan warriors can be male or female, wearing ragged, hand-woven clothes, sometimes decorated with Tartan designs. The males are often seen wearing nothing but kilts and hoods, their chests, backs and faces heavily tattooed with pagan imagery. Females tend to wear long ragged dresses or robes, much like female shamans, but wield swords, and often have tattooed faces.