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All commonplace locks in Deadly Shadows are cylinder locks of the disk tumbler variety. Unlike locks encountered in previous games, these can always be opened with the Lock Picks. A small pin of brass or gold rotates to mark the progress in the same manner as on the Lockbox.


TDS garrett lockpick minigame

An Iron Three-Tumbler Lock

There are 13 known lock configurations, ranging from three to six tumblers.


The lock's shape indicates how many tumblers need to be manipulated. The three-stage lock is a small "diamond" shape, the four-stage is "U" shaped, five-stage locks are rectangular with a round on the top and bottom, and six-stage locks are "U" shaped with small knobs on the corners. Gold locks always have six tumblers.


The lock material gives a clue to the configuration; base metal locks use only the left and right positions and iron locks use the top and bottom as well, whereas gold and silver locks may require diagonal lock picking.


The "sweet spot" configuration of each lock is shown In the following table:

3-Stage 4-Stage 5-Stage 6-Stage
Base L - R - L R - L - L - R R - R - L - R - L L - L - R - L - R - R
Iron U - R - L R - L - U - D L - D - L - U - D D - U - D - L - R - U
Silver DL - R - DR UL - R - DL - U D - UR - L - UR - DL UR - D - UL - DR - U - DL
Gold N/A N/A N/A D - U l - D r - D - L d - R


