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Garrett on trial 05

The First Keeper Orland, during the time of Deadly Shadows, in the Keepers' Council Room

The Keeper Council is the ruling body for the Keepers. Headed by the First Keeper, It consists of senior members of the Keeper order, Keeper Elders, Master Scribes and Glyph-wardens.

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Keeper Council room

Meeting in the Council Chamber, a large circler enclave, in which the First Keeper stands in the lower section, visible to all, and each senior Keeper has a certain alcove in which they watch and contribute to the discussion.

The meetings are used for discussions of major affairs and votes on decisions. Prior to the vote, the case is stated, various Keepers state there points of view on the matter, then the First Keeper calls the vote.

Voting is done by each Keeper either stepping forward into the light, so they can be seen and counted for a yes, or remaining hidden for a no.[1][2]

Sessions are recorded for the Keeper Annals by an unknown Keeper.[3]

Known Council Members at the time of the Third Dark Age[]

Past Council Members[]

See Also[]

