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"Saids drinks of me, you wills not thirsts, Dids honeys sweet froms out Him burst.
  — Pagan Drinking song, origin unknown"[1]

Honeysweet is probably a plant, if not just a Pagan term for honey.

When mixed with Bloodroot, Meadowmead, Jacksberry, Cottonwood, and Elder, it makes a good Pagan drink. [2]

"Them Honeysweet", "Them Breadmeat", and "The(m) Harvester" are all titles of The Trickster in his role as both Creator and Destroyer, who feeds himself to his followers so as to eat them later on.[3]


  1. T_castleLoadingQuote3:
  2. pagan4: p4_idle8:
  3. TDS Loading Screen QuotesT_paganintroLoadingQuote1, T_paganintroLoadingQuote4, T_dungeonLoadingQuote2