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TDS looticon healthpotion

TDS Healing Potion icon.

TDS healthpotion

A Healing Potion in TDS.

The Healing Potion is a magical or medicinal concoction that restores lost health after consumption.

Basic Info[]

Available in: all games


Maximum amount in inventory (TDS only): 10


TDS healthpotion heal

The health bar indicating Garrett's health points, after a Healing Potion, in TDS

The potion will restore lost health when consumed after which it will be lost. Depending on the game it will either restore an amount of health or will completely restore all lost health (see below) but can not go beyond the maximum amount of health points. In Thief: The Dark Project/Thief Gold and Thief II: The Metal Age the healing will not be instant but increases gradually by one point over a duration of ten seconds.

The amount of health restored in each game is:

Tactical Information[]

The Healing Potion in T1/T2

As the only piece of equipment purchasable from the merchant shop that restores lost heath, it is needless to say that the Healing Potion is one of the most vital parts of every starting inventory. The most experienced swordsman or archer can kill many enemies and avoid sustaining injury, but in a matter of time he will eventually receive some damage. Even if the player is able to sneak behind enemies perfectly or has decided to play like a ghost and does not alert anyone at all, Garrett can still fall off great heights or trigger a hidden trap completely by accident. The Healing Potions are needed not only for major battles, but for accidents and unintended situations as well. They are, in a way, tools for fixing mistakes. They keep Garrett alive for long enough to complete his tasks and escape. There are also other ways to restore health. In Thief: The Dark Project and Thief II: The Metal Age, there are Plum-like food items that can restore a few health points. In T2, food item will randomly heal one point of health. In T2 and Thief: Deadly Shadows, there are water fountains that restore all health points at once. The Health Potion is the only restorative item that is present in all three games.

Healing Potions are best used when they can achieve their full potential, meaning when Garrett has lost more or at least the same amount of health they can restore. There is no mission in Thief where the player cannot sneak by everyone, even the Undead, but it would be good to have at least one or even two Healing Potions to be prepared for anything.


TDSm icon healthdraft

The restorative item in Thief: Deadly Shadows Mobile is called "health draft" rather than "healing potion".

Other Healing Methods[]
