Thief Wiki
Thief Wiki
For Deadly Shadows apartment, see here.

A modest three floor apartment located in the northwest of the area close to Shalebridge that was rented by Garrett during the time of The Metal Age (and possibly even before that) until he was ambushed by the City Watch.[1][2] On the second floor was a living room and a small bedroom with a closed containing a secret compartment that Garrett used to hide equipment.[3] At the back of the building was a wooden structure that could be used to access the building with a Rope Arrow or a Crate.



T2 M5 map PAGE003

The building's floorplan


  • It is unknown whether this is the same apartment Garrett rented in Thief: The Dark Project.
  • Garrett sometimes had trouble paying his rent.[4][5]
  • The apartment appears in the missions "Ambush!" and "Trace the Courier".
    • In its second appearance the windows have iron bars and the door can only be blasted open by a Fire Arrow but there is nothing of value in there.

See Also[]

