Important: The following screenshots are from the game Thief II: The Metal Age and are done using both Thief Enhancement Pack and NTEX high-res texture pack, so they may look somewhat different from the way your game appears.
Description: A big golden label
Location: south side halls
- The Bank, floor three
Security Office
Description: A small golden label
Location: in the Security Office
- The Bank, floor three
Lobby Camera Control
Description: a letter from the Mechanist Brother Ortham to Captain Blouf
Location: in the Security Office
- The Bank, floor three
Brother Ortham of the Mechanists Anglewatch, Dayport Captain Blouf First City Bank and Trust Guard 100 Gentry Boulevard, North Quarter Cpt. Blouf, Fact: The security of thy bank is double, nay, tenfold what 'twas but a few months ago, and thou art paying fewer human guards for their fallible efforts. Thou owest this fact to us, for we of the Mechanist Order do believe in generosity, e'en more when it opens the eyes of commoners to the values of our goodly innovations, though the situation is not one of mutual benefit. Therefore it didst pain me greatly to read that thou believest the level of bank security at present to be 'enough'! The plan I outlined to thee most assuredly called for more security machines, and for greater care in deployment than thou hast currently there. We of the Mechanist Order shall feel sufficiently confident in the safety of our valuables only when no humans be employed by the Bank for this purpose. In particular thou dost continue to protest the proposed changes to the vault door, so I shall take now the time to give thee a most full explanation of why it must be replaced. As previously stated, thy current time lock is a security risk because 'tis external to the vault. Whence 'twas installed, the Hammerites chose to compromise security in this way, for 'twould be impossible to ever open the vault again in the event that the time lock experienced some failure. However, Mechanist engineering far exceeds that of the Hammers, and thusly, our time lock hath many redundant timing mechanisms, any of which can complete to bring about the opening of thy vault door. If 'tis too complex for thee, thou simply need to understand this: Currently 'tis possible to manipulate the time lock to cause the vault to open ahead of schedule. The new vault lock wilt not be so grievously flawed, and there wilt be no chance of critical mechanical failure. Within a month, we shalt send a team of engineers to thy bank for to upgrade the time lock and inspect thy security placement. I expect there shalt be no further issues. Thy patrons and managers shalt no doubt be pleased at the increase in security. Sincerely, Brother Ortham
Description: An open scroll
Location: on a table, in the Hall of Records
- The Bank, floor two
Client - Box Number -------------------- Lord Signoli - 7 D.M. Gilver Exporting - 8 The Widow's Hospice - 9 Mechanist Secondary Finance Box - 10 Mechanist Storage Box - 11 Sergeant Bander - 12 Lady Shemonov - 13 Selentura - 14
Description: A message to all personnel
Location: The Bank, basement area
WARNING Maintenance Machines Active In This Area
Description: A message to all personnel
Location: The Bank, basement area
KEEP OUT Authorized Personnel Only Beyond This Point
Description: A small golden label (the right one)
Location: in the Guard Room
- The Bank, floor one
Vault Alarm
Description: A small golden label (the left one)
Location: in the Guard Room
- The Bank, floor one
Lobby Alarm
Description: A small golden label
Location: north and south halls
- The Bank, floor three
To Security Office
Description: A small golden label
Location: before you enter the Meeting Hall, east side
- The Bank, floor one
Meeting Hall
Description: A small golden label
Location: before you enter the Hall of Records, north-east side
- The Bank, floor two
Hall of Records
Description: A tip about First City Bank and Trust
Location: can be bought at the shop, before the mission, for 25 gold
G - Tried me a creak at First City B&T come two years back. More than I was skopped out for, tell you that, not my best o jobs. Had me a left little finger afore that, for one. Trouble be, the place spents a full purse on the damned TILE floors. Couldn't take a step back nor fort, should I set an echo up to the roof. Had me a dram more o nerve, mights have gone slow-feet enough and get by, or wait patientlike till the thugmen be past. But no, had me to go and raise a noise on that tile and out they jump. No worry for you, mate, all your talents. But for me, well, get me a coin and prick your ears samewise, seems a fair trade. -Zhan
Description: A message from the Bank's management to the clerks
Location: on a table, in a room just north of the lobby
- The Bank, floor one
All Clerks: Please refrain from addressing clients by name. Some clients have expressed nervousness that they are known personally, that the details of their finances are available to someone who would recognize them on the street. We must make a point of deliberate impersonality in all our dealings with clients.
Description: A message from the Bank's management to the clerks
Location: The Bank, floor two
All Clerks: THIS IS NOT A BAKERY! We do not throw in an extra coin for every twelve! Individual logbooks WILL BE AUDITED WEEKLY.
Description: The correspondence between two of the bank's clerks
Location: on a table, in a north side room, The Bank, floor two
Parcell - I hear there's a coppermonger on Center Street who's offering good prices for halfpence minted more than twenty years ago. Something about luck charms - guess the luck of the city's been pretty bad the past couple decades. What think you, the pair of us go through the halfpenny stores after hours tonight? -Will
Description: Someone's diary
Location: in the Security Office
- The Bank, floor three
I've half a mind to plead with Captain Blouf to ignore his managers and give that damn Brother Ortham what he's got coming! Every time they come from a meeting, Blouf seems like a kettle about to boil over, but he follows his orders and treats Ortham with respect. When Ortham was in here last week, he was going on and on about his metal guards and faces, where to put them properly and such, how we were showing such 'poor judgement', and Captain Blouf just listened and nodded! In the six years that I've worked here, not one security breach has occurred. Poor judgement, indeed!
Description: Someone's diary
Location: on a table, in a south-east room
- The Bank, floor two
I have oft wondered these past days why Master Banker Tyler has been in such a disposition. Frequently he comes in late or not at all, and his former liveliness is gone. For weeks now he has seemed to droop and mope, his spirits quite downcast. Though he is past the prime of his life, not so his career. In time, he could rise to a new pinnacle of wealth and power. At first I thought he was forlorn that the bank did not ride the financial winds of change in the city as best it might, that change marks an opportunity for wealth that we have missed. I thought perhaps Master Tyler erroneously took on a burden for being neglectful. But now I fear that his situation is worse, that misfortune has befallen him or his family.
Description: A message from Flemion to Davell (the right book)
Location: on a table, Flemion's office, south-east end
- The Bank, floor one
Davell, I'm sure you've heard the news: that Tyler's physician diagnosed his ailment as fatal, predicting not more than 3 months of life remaining. The question on both of our minds is surely the same: Who shall replace him as Master Banker? And perhaps you have come to the same conclusion - that his nephew Morrow will have unfair precedent over us for that position. For the better of First City Bank and Trust, and our own wallets, I suggest that we somehow eliminate Morrow as competition. Then between the two of us, may the best banker be selected! Perhaps we can slander his good name in some way. What are your thoughts? - Flemion
Description: A message from Davell to Flemion (the right book)
Location: on Davell's desk, central rooms
- The Bank, floor one
Flemion, Surely you are being facetious when you say that Morrow has a good name. I don't doubt that given leave, Tyler would select his nephew as the next Master Banker, but it is not just you and I who realize that he has the aptitude of a frog. I cannot count the number of times I've overheard a clerk joking at some foolish remark Morrow has made. The idea that one of us be Master Banker instead is of course the right one. But your thinking is shortsighted, and I have a plan that will generate more wealth for us in the end. We will protest Morrow's selection as Master Banker (not so much as to prevent it), and we will recommend that each other be selected instead. Morrow will be selected as Master Banker, he will fail at that role miserably, and as dissatisfaction with him grows, so will confidence in the two of us. When they request that we replace Morrow, we hold out (ostensibly out of prudence) until, out of desperation, they increase the salary of the position to one-and-one-half times what it is now. Only then will we accept. So what do you think of this idea, then? - Davell
Description: A message from Flemion to Davell (the left red book)
Location: on a table, Flemion's office, south-east end
- The Bank, floor one
Davell, You are quite shrewd, my good colleague. One item your scheme did not cover: which of us shall replace Morrow as Master Banker? For this I have an intriguing answer, one that guarantees an increase in pay for us both. We make a pact now that, no matter which of us is selected as Master Banker by the plan you outlined, we combine our mutual salaries after the promotion and each gets an equal share. By my calculations, this will leave us both with over twice what we are now earning. What say you, sir? - Flemion
Description: A message from Davell to Flemion (the left book)
Location: on Davell's desk, central rooms
- The Bank, floor one
Flemion, I think not. As you say, may the best banker be selected. - Davell
Description: The poorly written speech of the bank manager's nephew
Location: on a table, in a south room
- The Bank, floor two
Thank you my good, fellow bankers for you're attendance here tonight and thank you, to my Uncle Tyler for picking me too be the next person, who will be in the Position of the Master Banker because he knows like all of you do that I will do the best job at that job and that in my Capable Hands the first city bank and Trust will grow in prominince, and wealth in the city. Our valued clients, will continue to fill our coffers with there wealth which we will have used to generate more revenue to improve our wages and our services to our clients which are always improving. For that is really what are goals must be and we must all continue to focus on the important issues at the bank which are our goals: to make money and to please are clients.
Description: A small golden label
Location: in the Lobby
- The Bank, floor one
Description: A small golden label
Location: before you enter the Great Hall, south-east end
- The Bank, floor one
The Great Hall
Description: A small golden label
Location: the Dome area
- The Bank, floor one
Description: A small golden label
Location: Hall of Statues
- The Bank, floor three
Hall of Statues
Description: A message to the customers using the bank's vault
Location: in the Lobby, The Bank, floor one
Valued customers: To visit your safety deposit box, please proceed to the vault.