Fire Elementals are magical beings entirely composed of fire, simply described as flying fireballs. They inhabit subterranean areas, often near lava pools, most notably in The Lost City. Most elemental beings require a skilful mage of the respective elemental school, in order to be summoned. Fire Elementals are unique because they are the only elemental entity to appear naturally, without magical intervention (see Air Elemental). They are quite rare and tend to inhabit areas far away from humans. As all elementals, they show a very limited level of consciousness. Fire Elementals wander the areas they populate and react aggressively to any non-elemental being in their vicinity, which can include everything from Humans to Burricks.
The Fire Elementals are one of the few amorphous enemies. This makes it difficult to understand which way they are facing and when to sneak past them. A simple rule in this matter is that they are facing the direction they are moving, so the best time to sneak is when they are moving away. They leave short smoke trails behind them, indicating their direction. When they notice a danger, they illuminate themselves even brighter than normal, which shows they are alerted and aggressive. In this state, very much like the Fire Shadow, Garrett will take damage from the heat. Their normal attack is a small and fast fire projectile, which they shoot from their bodies. If the projectile hits directly, it will cause five points of damage. That makes two shots enough to kill on Expert Difficulty.
When facing this foe, first know which attacks are useless. Fire Elementals are immune to their own element, which means that any Explosive Weapon won't harm them. Knock-out gas doesn't render them unconscious, but it damages them rather ineffectively (around 3 gas arrows to kill one). The Burrick's gas does the same. They can't be blinded with Flash Bombs. Any swords or regular arrows like the Broadhead Arrow or Rope Arrow can hurt them, but are not very effective, unless if it is a Backstab. The Fire Elementals have a dreadful reputation with their appearance and resistance to many weapons, but it cannot obscure their major weakness towards water attacks. It takes only one accurate Water Arrow to dismiss a Fire Elemental, making Water Arrows the main choice when facing these entities. They cannot be knocked unconscious with the blackjack. Keep the following in mind when confronting fire elementals:
- Water Arrows – takes only one to finish a Fire Elemental
- Gas Arrows – a second option since it takes a few to kill a Fire Elemental
- Backstab - kills a Fire Elemental with one swing
Thief: The Dark Project/Thief Gold[]
- Fire Elementals can re-light torches that are in close proximity towards them when they are in an aggravate state.
- In the mission "Escape!", Fire Elementals are not aggressive toward Ape Beasts or Bugbeasts, but when they are aggravated and in close proximity toward them (by using Noisemaker or Broadhead Arrows for example) they can cause heat damage to them and might even kill them.