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Yume no Rozen (A Rozen Dream) is a Thief II: The Metal Age fan mission made by Sxerks.

Additional Info[]

File Info[]

  • Yume no


An entry for the Thief 10 year anniversary contest by the Southquarter and The Keep of Metal and Gold.

File Locations[]



The Circle




Screen Shots[]


Easy Video Walkthrough on Youtube

Expert Video Walkthrough on Youtube

Loot List[]

FM:T2_Yume no Rozen_-_Sxerks/lootlist

Readme File[]

 1 Jan, 2009

Mission Title           : Yume no Rozen    v1.1  (A Rozen Dream)
Author                  : Sxerks
Contact Info            : AT hotmail or wiki
Homepage                :
Original Release        : 30 Nov, 2008
Re-release              : 7 Jan, 2009

Description             : TAC entry


I heard from a friend that there is a special ruby in a manor nearby.
This evening, the Lord and Lady are away and only two house staff are around,
I should be able to avoid them.
I don't want to cause any harm so I'm only bringing my 'picks.
And I might as well pick up some valuables while I'm at it.
This should be easy.


* Playing Information *

Game                    : Thief 2: The Metal Age version 1.18
Mission Title           : Yume no Rozen
File Name               : miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
Equipment Store         : No
Map/Automap             : No/No
New Graphics            : Yes
New Sounds              : Yes
New conversations       : No
New models              : Yes
EAX Support             : No
Multi-Language Support  : No

Video Briefing          : No

Difficulty Level Info   : Easy 1000 gp , AI well below average
                          Normal 2000 gp , AI normal
                          Expert 3000 gp , AI well above average

* Construction *

Base                    : none
Build Time              : ~1 month + a couple days for v1.1


* Loading Information *
Requires custom scripts. tnhscript,nvscript1.1
Darkloader ready.

* Notes *

Set your Gamma and push the button to start.

* Release Notes *

V1.0 - original TAC entry

v1.1 - After contest re-release
		Added GammaBox
		updated readme
		tweak light radii
		add a couple object shadows
		tweak AI difficulty
		fix bed texture
		fix manhole cover frob
		lower music volume -7dB
		Added some more objects
		Lootlist in Extra folder

* Known bugs *
* Credits * 

Textures:	DEDX - *******X fam
			NV - NVwoodPL fam
			Sxerks - Gamma fam(v1.1), T3 style skybox
Objects:	Nielsen74 - Mirror
			Targa - clawfoot bathtub & faucet, radiator
			GORT - toilet
			Team CoSaS - Doors, Chests, (v1.1 Drapes,Gem,Flowers,newvic)
			Yandros - Gate
			Alun Bestor - Railing
			Greenhorn - Doll, Sxerks - re-texture
			DEDX - Gem(v1.0)
			Master_edd - Faucet(v1.1)
			   Package - LarryG
			   Art- Olga's Gallery
			   Frame -
Sound:		Intro music - Pachelbel - Canon in D
			Intermission music - Kinjirareta Asobi BY Ali Project FOR Rozen Maiden
			Voice - Sxerks, tweaked in Audacity
Thanks to nightshifter for very last minute help and being efficient.


* Copyright Information *

Copyright Sxerks 2008.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package 
is kept intact. You MAY use this as a base for another level.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos 

