Title: Book of Prophecy Part 1 - Dead Letter Box
Author: Schattengilde
FM for: T2
File Name: 753_BookofProphecy1DeadLetterBox.zip, Proph1.zip
Initial Release: 31 December, 2007
Latest Release: 31 December, 2007
Language: English, German
Incomplete Info:Yes
Tag Cloud: City, Rooftop, Mechanist, Nighttime, Normal, Hard, Expert, Medium
Interesting info about mission. (Not readme file.)
The Sequel to this mission is FM:T2 Book of Prophecy 2 - Schattengilde.
links to reviews, or blog reviews
File Locations[]
Cheap Thief Missions: Book of Prophecy part 1: Dead Letter Box
Screen Shots[]
Loot List[]
Readme File[]
The story takes place when Karras was in charge and his influence on the city grew stronger...
The Mechanists were eager to take over control of the city but this could be prevented by now. However, Karras is willing to do everything to achieve it, despite the costs.
The resistance increased, especially the guardian's guild, which wasn't eager to serve under Karras. They and the remains of the Hammerite order formed the core of this resistance group. Karras attracted General Morbid, a former commander of the Baron's army, to his side and the tides in the conflict started to change. The general, suspended from military service, was now Karras’ right hand and willing to act unscrupulously without hesitation.
First, he outlawed the guardian's guild and disbanded all private security services. He banned any private use and possession of weapons of all kinds and finally he "cleaned" the city of all local aristocrats, like Ramirez, Bafford, Donal, Reuben ... He smashed their estates and their inhabitants where never seen again.
Some city districts resisted and despite the ban on weapons, arsenals were filled and the people ready to fight. The Mechanists had to retreat into their territories but continued their reign of terror. All the refugees seemed to have vanished and talk about a hidden retreat circulated through the city. In addition to that, there were rumors about a mysterious order with members well trained in the arts of fighting, spying, infiltration and assassination. Their guerrilla tactics seem to work well on the Mechanists...
When General Morbid heard of these rumors, he banned all public meetings and imposed a curfew at night. In an attempt to regain control of the situation, he commanded his elite fighters to wipe out any resistance they might find.
In the midst of all this chaos, a messenger appeared to bring Garrett a letter from the Keepers, referring to the "Book of Prophecies" which vanished out of their secret library. The one who owns this book may change the city forever.
Rob Hicks for Dromed Deluxe, MadBull#34 for the .str-Converter, Dainem for proofreading, von.Eins for the german translation des Dromed-tutorial and meril for the Betabase
for new objects/mesh: Schwaa, von.Eins, Daemonite, Ernie, Rob Hicks, Nameless Voice und Alun Bestor > www.washboardabs.net/thief/
for new textures: Dhin, Majic, textures from the "Night Falcon", Alun Bestor >www.washboardabs.net/thief/ and textures from local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/texture_color/ (modified for Dromed)
Betatester: Anne, Valen, MH.TheFreak, fibanocci, Neferure, K.I.F.T., Raven
for the english version: Intruder for the translation into english as well as Nightwalker and Bernie for editing
.....and BIOHAZARD for their Rap-influenced Hardcore.....
...and to anyone, who assisted me with help and advice in the forum, as well as to anyone I forgot.
- Loading Information*
Darkloader Ready. DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!
- Copyright Information*
This level is ã by Schattengilde 31th December 2007 Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
source=From the RTF included; some alterations for readability.