Title: A Night in Rocksbourg: A New Beginning
Author: DrK
FM for: T2
File Name: UNAR1_Depart.zip
Initial Release: 16 November, 2005
Latest Release: 29 December, 2005
Language: English, French
Incomplete Info:Yes
Tag Cloud:
Interesting info about mission. (Not readme file.)
First in a series of mission;
- Episode 1: A New Beginning
- Episode 2: Discovery (released with Episode 1 but different zips)
- Episode 3: Ink and Dust (12 May 2008)
links to reviews, or blog reviews
File Locations[]
Screen Shots[]
FM:T2_A Night in Rocksbourg_-_DrK/screenshot
FM:T2_A Night in Rocksbourg_-_DrK/walkthrough
Loot List[]
FM:T2_A Night in Rocksbourg_-_DrK/lootlist
Readme File[]
Paste Readme file here
OR put the readme on a subpage: FM:T2_A Night in Rocksbourg_-_DrK/readme