Title: The Monastery of St Fera
Author: Goit
Additional author info:
T2 conversion: Jimmy Desiderio
FM for: T1, T2
File Name: mosf.zip, MonestaryofStFera,The.zip, MonasteryofStFera.zip, MonestaryofStFera,The_T2.zip
Initial Release: 4 August, 1999
Latest Release: 24 December, 2003
Language: English
Incomplete Info:No
Tag Cloud:
Interesting info about mission. (Not readme file.)
links to reviews, or blog reviews
File Locations[]
T2 Conversion[]
Screen Shots[]
FM:T1_The Monastery of St Fera_-_Goit/walkthrough
Loot List[]
FM:T1_The Monastery of St Fera_-_Goit/lootlist
Readme File[]
readme file from mission with email links removed, to avoid spam for authors.
4th August, 1999 Author: Carl Ireland Contact info: carl@REMOVED Homepage: Date of release: 4th August, 1999 Description: It has come to your attention that a very valuable gem, the Morning Stone is being kept in a nearby Hammer monastery. The stone is reputed to be magical but what matters is that it will command a high price. Your sources tell you that the stone is hidden somewhere under the monastery. Break in and acquire it for yourself. Briefing: no * Play Information * Game: Thief: The Dark Project Mission Title: The Monastery of St Fera File name: miss15.mis Difficulty Settings: yes Equipment store: yes Map / automap: yes New graphics: no New sounds: no Multi language support: no Briefing : no Total length / size: N/A Difficulty level info: Normal/Hard/Expert * Construction * Base: N/A Build Time: 60 hours * Loading information * ThiefLoader ready - place entire archive in Thief/missions/ - do no unzip. * Copyright * This level is (c) by Carl Ireland (4th August, 1999) Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.