Title: Curse of the Ancients
Author: Kozmala
FM for: T1
File Name: curse.zip
Initial Release: 24 July, 2000
Latest Release: 24 July, 2000
Language: English
Incomplete Info:Yes
Tag Cloud:
Interesting info about mission. (Not readme file.)
links to reviews, or blog reviews
File Locations[]
Screen Shots[]
FM:T1_Curse of the Ancients_-_Kozmala/screenshot
FM:T1_Curse of the Ancients_-_Kozmala/walkthrough
Loot List[]
FM:T1_Curse of the Ancients_-_Kozmala/lootlist
Readme File[]
=================================================================================== 24 July 2000 =================================================================================== Author: Kozmala Contact Info: GordonMiller@x-stream.co.uk Date of Release: 24 July 2000 Description: I've been hired to retrieve four ancient Talismans for a rich collector, Lord Turell. The Talismans are buried in a Tomb underneath the graveyard in an abandoned part of the city. Should be easy, although Turell has hired others before me. None of them have been seen since. Even the Hammers are rumoured to have tried. According to Turell, a local collector named Morgan had translated some of the texts written by the ancient Masters. These Masters dabbled in the arcane and legend would have us believe the Talismans are protected by this ancient power. Morgan's translations should help me defeat this power. Turell has provided a map of the area. My first stop should be Morgan's museum, then the local Weaponsmith to stock up. My funds are low and Turell will only pay on delivery. Maybe the Church will have some supplies I can use. =================================================================================== * Playing Information * Game: Thief: The Dark Project Mission Title: Curse of the Ancients File Name: Miss15.mis Difficulty Settings: Yes Equipment Store: No Map: Yes Auto Map: No New Graphics: Yes New Sounds: Yes Multi-Language Suppor: No Briefing: No Difficulty Level Info: normal, hard, expert. * Construction * Base: Scratch Build Time: 6 Months =================================================================================== * Loading information * ThiefLoader ready =================================================================================== Playtesting: Fluke =================================================================================== * Copyright Information * This level is © by Gordon Miller Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
OR put the readme on a subpage: FM:T1_Curse of the Ancients_-_Kozmala/readme