Title: Awaken!
Author: Sperry
FM for: T1
File Name: Awaken!.zip
Initial Release: 21 June, 2002
Latest Release: 21 June, 2002
Additional release info:
3 mission campaign, probably had an earlier initial release date of April 02
Language: English
Incomplete Info:Yes
Tag Cloud:
The plot of this FM is hard to follow as there is no readable material to be found anywhere (the books folder is missing). In mission 1, which starts with no objectives, Garrett starts inside a crypt, and only gains an objective once he climbs the stairs and exits. The first objective is to scout the area, which is failed if you are detected by the Hammerite guards.
Garrett explores the map and comes to a locked gate, and must then look for the control mechanism. After pickpocketing a key of a Hammer, he finds the control mechanism in the building the key unlocks, but the gate control is locked and there is no way to open it. Feeling he has learnt enough, Garrett returns to the tomb where he started.
Mission 2 starts with two objectives: do not be spotted by the guards, and find some food. The map is much the same as mission 1, but with additional guards. There is also a key in the barracks that wasn't there before, which unlocks the door to the food storage in the building Garrett opened in mission 1. Garrett finds some herbs and the mission is completed.
In mission 3, Garrett must find the key to the control mechanism and finally escape. Again, the map is the same as the other two missions, with you starting in the food storage. This time there is no restrictions on being seen, which is good as there is a guard just outside the door and Garrett has no weapons or equipment to retalliate. The key needed is in the temple building, surrounded by Hammer guards. This key unlocks the manual control, allowing you to escape through the open gate. However, the mission doesn't end at this point, possibly because of a bug.
In all three missions, there is no loot to be found.
links to reviews, or blog reviews
File Locations[]
Screen Shots[]
Loot List[]
Readme File[]
Interestingly enough, no real readme file.
June 21 2002 Awaken! miss20-22
OR put the readme on a subpage: FM:T1_Awaken!_-_Sperry/readme