Important: The following screenshots are from the game Thief Gold and are done using Thief Enhancement Pack, so they may look somewhat different from the way your game appears.
Description: Trickster's notes about the Dark Project
Location: on the floor, in a tree house
- Constantine's Mansion, underground
The world as I once knew it was a place of magic - full of mystery and inhabited by creatures of glamour and terror. The men who lived there lit their bonfires and wondered at what crept and lurked in the darkness outside their weak circles of light. All their dreams, their aspirations and dreads, come from that darkness. Now, as the forces of "progress" cover the meadows in brick and cobblestone, as they replace the majestic loft of tree with the blocky ponderousness of building, they also light the world in their electric, actinic glare. With the lighting of the shadows, man loses his ability to fear, and to dream. The night, once the font of the unknown, becomes only the lack of the sun. I have conceived of a plan to revive the darkness, to bring a resurrection of the ability to fear and dream. And, once my dark project is realized, they shall know again to fear and love their Lord. -Constantine
Description: Trickster notes
Location: on the floor, in a tree house
- Constantine's Mansion, underground
Draws the scribed Star, marks the Compasses. The Eye, shows the marksey lines of power. Marks the Compass Borning, the Compass Leaf, the Stormsie Compass, the Flamesie Compass, the Compass Tidestream, the Compass Stone, the Compass Darkness. Weights each Starsie point with Elements of the Compass, with pure truest. Weights the Center with the Eye, fed mansblood, sees the Compasses and the bloodtrail to the trueworld. Each Compass walks the Elements forth, paints to the Eye colors of heartsmaw Chaos, for follow the Eye back to the mansie world. Binds the Eyevisions, gathers the sights the glories, open fulls the Eye to See forth the world, bloodcalled, compasspainted, chaosfed, paintings on the world the image is showed.