A Closet Full of Crystals
The four elemental crystals are an integral part of the Thief Universe. These are the raw and volatile physical manifestations of Classical Greek elements: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. The crystals form in their respective elements, seemingly absorbing their properties. When struck, they immediately revert to their stable forms, thus providing Garrett with his arsenal of magic arrowheads.
Water Crystal[]
Usually found in proximity to water, these crystals regenerate daily (TDS only) and can be fixed to an arrow shaft to produce Water Arrows. They have the power to negate fire-based magic.
T1 & T2[]
Under normal conditions, these take on the tapered hexagonal form common to pre-Deadly Shadows crystals, but in The Maw of Chaos they can become huge humming monoliths that are harmful to touch. They can absorb holy water from vials or fonts for use against the undead.
For some reason the black wire used to fasten it to the arrow shaft is present on the naturally forming crystal.
Water crystals are small and lighter in colour. They resemble quartz cut into a teardrop shape. They emit a faint hum of a higher pitch than the giant maw crystals of T1.
All elemental crystals of this era produce a coloured glow with strange flashing spots in the centre.
Earth Crystal[]
Earth crystals appear in various places but most often in and near earthy locations, or in shrubs, trees, or grass. These crystals regenerate daily (TDS only) and can be fixed to an arrow shaft to produce Moss Arrows. They have the power to negate certain air-based magics.
T1 & T2[]
Earth crystals have the same hexagonal shape seen in other crystals from this period but their speckled green texture causes them to resemble giant cucumbers. It is postulated that, due to their plant-based properties and green crystal tips, the Vine Arrows in T2 rely upon a special strain of earth crystal, formed by Viktoria's powerful Pagan magic.[1] "Vine Crystals" are only ever seen attached to these arrows and are the only crystals that can be retrieved for reuse.
For some reason the earth crystal is compressed into a little ball to make the completed moss arrow. This does not seem to have any influence on the arrow's air resistance.
These are smaller than the originals and have an uneven rippled texture, causing them to appear more like igneous rock than crystals. They emit very low "pings" that are only audible when very close. Moss arrows are no longer tipped with the familiar green ball, but the crystal itself.
All elemental crystals of this era produce a coloured glow with strange flashing spots in the centre. This effect is the same that is seen atop some deer skulls in Pagan territory.
Fire Crystal[]
Often found growing inside torches and fireplaces and near lava pools, these crystals regenerate daily (TDS only) and can be fixed to an arrow shaft to produce Fire Arrows. They have the power to negate water-based magic. Used against fire-based creatures, such as the Fire Elemental, they actually will heal the target.
T1 & T2[]
Their coloration is similar to that of partially cooled lava and, although they do not normally glow, these crystals can be seen clearly in total darkness. They are also meant to give off a visual distortion like a mirage, but this effect is invisible due to a design flaw.[2] Another fire-oriented crystal forms in small bright-orange clusters that glow brightly and produce a faint warbling hum. These are encountered in the TG mission "The Mage Towers", projecting from walls and ceilings in the Tower of Fire.
Only a small chunk of the fire crystal adorns the completed arrow, the remainder apparently being lost in the process.
Deadly Shadows fire crystals are small and jagged, like shards of broken glass. Their low even hum and bright orange hue make them very easy to locate.
All elemental crystals of this era produce a coloured glow with strange flashing spots in the centre. Although the full crystal is used as an arrowhead, it is even smaller than the fragment seen on the original model.
Air Crystal[]
Can be encountered just about anywhere, usually at high altitudes or in the vicinity of steam, these crystals regenerate daily (TDS only) and can be fixed to an arrow shaft to produce Gas Arrows. They have the power to negate certain earth-based magics.[3]
T1 & T2[]
These are more slender than other elemental crystals and are often seen to emit white vapours. They do not appear to be influenced by wind or gravity.
For some reason the black wire used to fasten it to the arrow shaft is present on the naturally forming crystal.
The air crystals of TDS are small and slender, bearing some resemblance to flint. They have the power to defy gravity when undisturbed and will hum in a manner similar to fire crystals, but at a much quicker rate. Although the gas they release is no longer harmful to Garrett, the TDS game manual refers to it as a "poisonous gas" rather than a sedative.[4]
All elemental crystals of this era produce a coloured glow with strange flashing spots in the centre.