This property specifies what happens when this objects is frobbed, either in the world, in the inventory, or as a tool.
- Move adds a Contains link from the frobber to the object; picking the object up.
- Script activates the object's 'on frob' scripts, such as StdButton, etc.
- Delete destroys the object when frobbed.
- Ignore makes the object unfrobable.
- FocusScript activates the object's 'on focus (selected)' scripts, such as the Arrow script showing your bow.
- Tool Cursor (Inventory only, I think) makes the object zip out of the player's inventory as a tool, like a lockpick.
- Use Ammo decreases the Stack Count of the object by 1 with each frob.
- Default triggers Act/React 'Frob in World/Inv' sources.
- Deselect unselects the object. A key is deselected after being used on a door.
Property Name: FrobInfo