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This property can be applied to AIs to make them face different directions while idle.

  • Min. Facing Switch Time: specifies the minimum time to wait before changing direction (in milliseconds).
  • Max. Facing Switch Time: specifies the maximum time to wait before changing direction (in milliseconds).
  • Each of the three Facing options determine the directions (0-360) to be faced.  Angles are measured from 0 (south) and go anti-clockwise (90 = east, 180 = north, 270 = west).  You can of course specify any angle you want, such as 90, 129, or 18, etc.
  • Weight is the percentage likelihood that the guard will choose that direction, when they rotate.  (Note that they can choose the direction they're already facing, resulting in them facing that direction for longer).  
  • Example:  So if you have two directions, one with a weight of 90, and one with a weight of 10, then they'll be 90% likely to face the first direction, and 10% likely to face the second direction, eveny time they switch direction.
  • Note:  The combined Weights should add up to 100 (so it's 100%).
  • A Weight of 0 specifies to not use that direction at all.

Property Name: AI_IdleDirs

DromEd Properties AI Idle Dir
