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"Thief & Thief 2 level designer credits
Note: Where multiple designers are mentioned, the primary architectural designer of the level is listed first.

Thief: The Dark Project/Thief Gold[]

Mission Developers
Training Randy Smith, Greg LoPicollo, Mark Lizotte
Lord Bafford's Manor Dorian Hart
Cragscleft Prison Mike Ryan, Tim Stellmach, Ian Vogel
The Bonehoard Dorian Hart, Nate Wells
Assassins Mike Ryan, Greg LoPiccolo
The Thieves Guild Sara Verrilli
The Sword Sara Verrilli, Nate Wells
Haunted Cathedral Randy Smith
Mage Towers Rafael Brown, Sara Verrilli, Mike Chrzanowski
The Lost City Mike Ryan, Tim Stellmach, Greg LoPiccolo
Song Of The Caverns Terri Brosius
Undercover Dorian Hart
Return To The Cathedral Randy Smith, Mark Lizotte
Escape Randy Smith
Strange Bedfellows Sara Verrilli
Maw Of Chaos Mike Ryan, Sara Verrilli, Greg LoPiccolo
"Bloopers" Rob Caminos, Laura Baldwin

Thief II: The Metal Age[]

Mission Developers
Running Interference Tim Stellmach, Rich Carlson, Rick Ernst, Terri Brosius
Shipping And Receiving Mike Chrzanowski
Framed Rich Carlson, Rob Caminos
Ambush! Iikka Keränen, Sara Verrilli
Eavesdropping Rich Carlson, Emil Pagliarulo, Sara Verilli, Mike Chrzanowski
First City Bank And Trust Randy Smith
Blackmail Mike Chrzanowski
Trace The Courier Iikka Keränen, Sara Verrilli
Trail Of Blood Terri Brosius
Life Of The Party Emil Pagliarulo
Precious Cargo Emil Pagliarulo
Kidnap Sara Verrilli, Mike Ryan
Casing The Joint Rafael Brown, Tim Stellmach, Rich Carlson, Mike Ryan
Masks Rafael Brown, Rich Carlson, Mike Ryan
Sabotage At Soulforge Randy Smith

Thanks to Grundbegriff, mokkis, CocoClown, Myoldnamebroke, Thumper, Banshee, Geoff, Schechter, kriegstanz, Andy, Lytha, Randy Smith (Thief and Thief 2 level designer), Rich Carlson (Thief 2 level designer), Tim Stellmach (Thief and Thief 2 lead designer) and all at the TTLG Forums for verification."
