Thief Wiki
Thief Wiki

The City Wardens were the most powerful crime lords in The City. They ruled organized crime throughout the City and paid heavy bribes to some of the City Watch officials in order to get away with their clandestine business within its walls. Each one of them was responsible for specifics areas of the City, known as wards, and each had a group of thugs or enforcers known as tough boys at their disposal.

As of Thief Gold, the wards were divided as follows:

After the rise of Sheriff Truart, a Warden Affairs division was created to look into arresting the Wardens and their related people[3] which brought down the level of crime by locking up a great deal of criminals or hiring them on as patrolmen and guards instead.

However, the department was curiously only going after certain Wardens and was possibly quite corrupt as evidenced by this favoritism.[4]


It is unknown what fully happened to the Warden's status with the Watch under Sheriff Truart or following the death of Ramirez, but they may have fallen on hard times by Thief: Deadly Shadows. In 'Assassins' Garrett says that "Farkus is one of the few merchants wiling to risk selling to an independent like me"[5] but by the time of Deadly Shadows, there are Shops in each visited quarter who seem to have no problem with independents.


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