Important: The following screenshots are from the game Thief Gold and are done using Thief Enhancement Pack, so they may look somewhat different from the way your game appears.
Description: The prisoner log book for Cell Block 1
Location: on a table, next to the gate controls
- Prison Cell Block 1, level 2
Cell Block 1 1: Wrendal, Jackablade. Flogging, Factory work. 4: Dellin, Ladytaker. Scalding. 7: Sennet, Cutthroat. Razor finger removed. Caning, Factory work 9: Issyt, Cadger. Caning and Sour Mash. Died 'neath Righteous Punishment.
Description: The prisoner log book for Cell Block 2
Location: on a table, next to the gate controls
- Prison Cell Block 2, level 2
Cell Block 2 2: Potsol, Vandal. Fingers crushed. 5: Gelland, Thief. Wrist Broken. 8: Nammon, Jackablade. Flogging. Died 'neath Righteous Punishment.
Description: The prisoner log book for Cell Block 3
Location: on a table, next to the gate controls
- Prison Cell Block 3, level 2
Cell Block 3 2: Dikket, Heretic. Sour Mash. Released upon Recantation and Informing 3: Latton, Falsetale. Tongue Pierced, Factory Work. 4: Basso, Firelighter. Branding. 7: Deirne, Whore. Shorn and Branded. To be Released 10: Tarquis, Goldlender. Nose cropped, Factory Work.
Description: The prisoner log book for Cell Block 4
Location: on a table, next to the gate controls
- Prison Cell Block 4, level 2
Cell Block 4 1: Possum, Ladytaker. Gelding. 4: Misa, Vandal. Whisking, Factory work. 5: Wills, Heretic. Meditation, Factory work. 6: Cutty, Thiefs-pawn. Palms scalded daily. 8: Tybal, Whorekeep. Died of Flux.
Description: A few well-placed inquiries might reveal where the Hammerites are keeping Cutty
Location: can be bought at the shop, before the mission, for 300 gold
Shop Description:use_m3cuttytip: "A few well-placed inquiries might reveal where the \ Hammers are keeping Cutty. Cost:300"
According to Dikket, a "heretic" who was recently let out of Cragscleft, Cutty's being held in cell block four.
Description: Felix notes
Location: in the evidence box on the top floor (Normal/Hard)
near Nammon's dead body, in a sewer shaft below the Prison, accessible through a low passage in the block 3/4 entrance (Expert)
Cutty, I gots me a big one, I does. The Horn of Quintus, Cutty. I can be paying off some debts with this one, believe you me! I gots me a map, drawn by some dead old bugger, which shows a way in. I knows it's down there, in the Bonehoard, just like they always said. They say what that the dead walk down there, but ah, it's worth the risk now, ain't it? The way I hears it, the sound of the Horn echoing will lead me right to the thing. I'm leaving you a copy of the map, in case anything happens to me down there. But more's the chance that I'll see you topside, making a toast with the finest wine to be had. See you then!
Description: A former prisoner of Cragscleft says he has information about the haunted mines
Location: can be bought at the shop, before the mission, for 100 gold
Shop Description:use_m3holytip: "A former prisoner of Cragscleft says he has info about \ the haunted mines. Cost:100"
Word on the street is that the Hammers are eager to take back the top level of the haunted mines, because there's a specially-blessed holy water font there.
Description: A note to Brother Keybond
Location: on a shelf, in the officer's office
- The Barracks, top level
Brother Keybond - I charge thee to organize a search detail for that jackblade, Nammon. Somehow he hath slipped his bonds whilst Brother Inquistor didst turn for but a moment. Now he hath scaped with half the contents of the evidence box! Brother Carpenter hath reported a commotion to the west whilst he was repairing the stocks - start thou there. If the wretch be not found soon, doubtless he hath succumbed to the rigors of his interrogation. In truth, I wouldst rather find him in a search now than by the reek later. And who knows what may become of his mortal frame should he reach the haunted mines...
Description: Hammerite prayer book
Location: on a stone table, in an east corridor near the glowing icon
- The Barracks
When I was cold, Thou taught of hearth and roof-beam. When I was hungry, Thou taught of pot and cauldron. When I was beset by foes, Thou taught of spear and shield. Thy hammer pounds the nail, holds the roof-beam. Thy hammer strikes the iron, shapes the cauldron. Thy hammer in my hand, unto my foes.