Air Mages are one of the four classes of mages of the Hand Brotherhood. They practice Air magic and can be found mostly in their tower complex. Their magic is possibly the most dangerous of all four types of Hand Mages.
Air Mages, like the other mages, are weak by themselves, but the Air Elementals they summon are not. When a mage is alerted, he summons an Air Elemental, which is extremely dangerous.
A summoned Air Elemental will rush towards Garrett, and if it reaches him, it will self-destruct, inflicting damage. It can navigate around corners, fly over barriers, and move very fast. The elemental, however, seems to have difficulty navigating through darkness, like regular humans, and it will not explode if it cannot find Garrett.
A plus side is that the elemental is summoned only for around 12 seconds, so if Garrett hides in shadows, he has a good chance of avoiding it if it does not accidentally bump into him.
The Air Mage does not in fact have any direct means of attack, and can damage Garrett only with elementals. It is therefore advised to take advantage of his relatively low health and go for a kill from the shadows before he can retaliate. It should be noted, however, that the Air Mage can summon another elemental, even if the first one has not hit yet, and it will become difficult to dodge two or more elementals at the same time, especially if there are no shadows nearby. If other mages or guards come to help, the situation might become grim even if Garrett tries to run away, so it is best to avoid alerting the mages.
Air Mages are immune to knock-out gas. An Air Elemental will not explode upon another mage, but presumably the Air Mage is immune to their damage as well.